So now here is the teacher's problem, part B
Part A was solvable, but now the teacher tries to share with the class some of the wonders of Science.
She tries to explain how... the earth is a large round ball with molten lava at its core, above which large landmasses slowly float. In millions of years some of the land masses actually crash together, wrinkling the surface to make what seem to us to be large mountain ranges.
As before, Edward thinks, "HUH?" But now what is the teacher to do.
There is nothing she can say that is analogous to "GET DOWN!"
Edward will not be able to follow this lesson or almost any other lesson. He will be bored and will perform poorly.
He has a significant language problem that is not a consequence of brain damage or basic intelligence, but of a restricted language code. How can a teacher with 20 or 30 students and a curriculum to follow reach this child?