Separating the babies from the gorillas.
Surprisingly, humans are not the only species that put symbols together to express ideas. At least one Gorilla (Koko) and some chimpanzees will do this, up to three visual symbols, (and maybe four, except that the fourth is usually a repetition of one of the other symgols in the sentence.
But there is one significant difference--sentence form, or as we discussed it, morphology and syntax, is missing! It is true, that if the Gorilla is responding to your question, they will copy to a degree your word order. But, when they generate a "sentence," the words may come in any order without any bound morphemes.
Surprisingly, again, human babies are tuned into word order before they ever utter a holophrastic sentence.
The reaction of babies, a little under one year old, to words presented in order versus words out of order was found to be significantly different. It is interesting, also, that there are no languages, present or past, in the history of humanity that lack a sophisticated grammar.