Rehearsal counteracts the forgetting curve.
Most children will spontaneously adapt a rehearsal strategy. Some, however, need coaching in this regard.
In studying information by rote (repetition), rehearsal well beyond the point where the information is committed to memory actually has been found to retard the forgetting curve significantly.
Here in the Notes are further discussions of Trace Decay and the role of rehearsal.
Another set of antidotes, as you can imagine, are Organization, Meaning and Association.
Through these strategies, particularly organization which we will discuss later, the forgetting curve can be significantly diminished.
Here is an interesting web site providing some further discussion of the role of organization as a way of counteracting memory loss.
NOTES: More information on Trace Decay and rehearsal.
NOTES: Still more information on Trace Decay and rehearsal.
NOTES: More than you really want to know about Trace Decay and rehearsal.