Example #1-- HAVE YOU HEARD THIS WORD BEFORE ? This is an example of a test of WORD RECOGNITION for Short-term Perceptual Memory. It emphasises retention rather than retrieval because it is necessary only to match the stimulus word to those held in the short-term memory bank for a few seconds.

You will hear a list of words and you are to count the number of words that are repeated. Keep in mind that this is just one of a series of presentations beginning with a very simple stimulus and progressing to more difficult recogntion tasks.

This excerpt is from a test battery frequently used th Speech Pathologist called the Goldman-Fristoe-Woodcock Auditory Skills Test Battery, Memory Tests, published by American Guidance Service, Inc. Circle Pines, Minnesota, 55014.

(Please allow around 55 seconds for the Example audio files to download; and when finished use the "BACK" button on your Browser to return to this page)

Auditory Sample
Recognition Perceptual
Short-Term Memory

Answer.--There are 11 words which are repeated.


Example #2-- HOW MANY PICTURES CAN YOU REMEMBER ? This task measures the number of chunks of information the perceptual short-term memory system can process. Again, it is a process of retention because the emphasis is on recogntion rather than recall.

Of the pictures below, which ones are NOT mentioned in the auditory sample provided?

Keep in mind that this is just one of a series of presentations beginning with a very simple stimulus and progressing to more difficult recogntion tasks.

This excerpt is from a test battery frequently used th Speech Pathologist called the Goldman-Fristoe-Woodcock Auditory Skills Test Battery, Memory Tests, published by American Guidance Service, Inc. Circle Pines, Minnesota, 55014.

(Please allow around 55 seconds for the Example audio files to download; and when finished use the "BACK" button on your Browser to return to this page)

Auditory Sample
Content Perceptual
Short-Term Memory

Answer.--The pictures NOT mentoned were "Sip" and "Yawn." The words that were mentioned were "Zoo, lock, pack, yell, think, sign, breath, bee and boat."


Example #3-- CAN YOU RECALL THE SEQUENCE ? This task also measures the number of chunks of information the perceptual short-term memory system can process. However, this is a task of recall because the emphasis is on generating a sequence rather simply matching.

In this task cards or chips with the pictures are to be rearranged in the order presented in the stimulus. But you may right the order down from memory. Keep in mind that this is just one of a series of presentations beginning with a very simple stimulus and progressing to more difficult recogntion tasks.

This excerpt is from a test battery frequently used th Speech Pathologist called the Goldman-Fristoe-Woodcock Auditory Skills Test Battery, Memory Tests, published by American Guidance Service, Inc. Circle Pines, Minnesota, 55014.

(Please allow around 55 seconds for the Example audio files to download; and when finished use the "BACK" button on your Browser to return to this page)

Auditory Sample
Sequence Perceptual
Short-Term Memory

Answer--The proper order of the items were: shoe, wing, mail, bag, lawn, cat, rake, and key.


Example #4-- CAN YOU RECALL WHICH PICTURE WAS MENTIONED 3rd ? This is an example of a training task. It requires the retenTion of a number of chunks of information in the perceptual short-term memory system, and the recall of the sequence. Keep in mind that this is just one small exerpt from a series of presentations beginning with a very simple stimulus and progressing to more difficult recogntion tasks. This excerpt is from a set of training materials (tapes), frequently used by Speech Pathologist, developed by Developmental Learning Materials, 7440 Natchez Ave., Niles, Illinois 60648.

(Please allow around 55 seconds for the Example audio files to download; and when finished use the "BACK" button on your Browser to return to this page)

Auditory Sample
Training Perceptual
Short-Term Memory

Answer--In the first row, the picture said first was "saddle." In the second row, the picture said third as "lightning." (And just for the record, any resemblence between Arnie (above) and Dr. Hall is totally a fantasy--my wife made me add this.)

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