Vygotsky: Words before concepts; and social speech before egocentric speech.
About the same time that Piaget was making and writing about his observations, another very astute observer of children was doing likewise and coming up with some different conclusions.
Vygotsky: Like Ceasar had his Brutus and Sherlock Holmes had his Moriority, Piaget had Vygotsky. One major contention between them centered around Egocentric Speech. Piaget described how Egocentric Speech came first, to die out and be replaced by Social Speech. Vygotsky saw a different phenomenon.
Vygotsky viewed the infant as being social from the very start. To him the cooing, the crying, the babbling and later the first words and sentences were typically attempts to gain attention and to get something done.
To this extent, Vygotsky put Social Speech first.
NOTES: Here is some more information about Vygotsky
NOTES: An yet a little more information about Vygotsky