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Expectancies add to the perceptual process and enable us to breach the 7 bit limit on decoding.

Expectancies can rearrange sentences to be the way we think they should be.

See how my wife drives.

Ten things construction workers do to mess-up their life.

Expectancies can totally override the stimulus from the outside.

Without expectancies, we are not playing with a full deck.

Do you know the ABCÍs of riding a bicycle?

Let your expectancies be your guide.

Expectancies provide the guidelines for the creation of the percept.

Repetition is a source for expectancies.

Routine is a source for expectancies.

Re-reading is a source for expectancies.

Grammar is a source for expectancies.

Semantic Features are a source for expectancies.

When we learn the grammar of a language, native speakers seem to slow down their rate of speech.

Concepts are a source for expectancies.

Non literal language is a source for expectancies.

Need is a source for expectancies.

The factor of need can sharply hone the perceptual process.

A Short-Term Set is a source for expectancies.

A Long-Term Set is a source for expectancies.

Cultural Scripts and Routines are a source for expectancies.

It is difficult to provide computers with expectancies because they don't have all the cultural scripts and routines.

Author: Dr. Hall

Email: ehall@csun.edu