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Figure-Ground discrimination is sometimes referred to as Signal to Noise Discrimination in the Auditory Modality.

There are two types of Figure-Ground Task--Aural and Statistical.

In an Aural Task, the Signal and the Noise are different, but in a Statistical Task, they are similar.

For children with Figure-ground processing problems, noises prevent them from understanding much of what is said.

Auditory closure is a process of filling in the missing pieces of the figure.

Although closure typically depends upon learning, its application is often automatic and unconscious.

Auditory Blending involves bringing the fragments of a word together to obtain its meaning.

Many fun games and activities can be created to exercise Blending and other perceptual skills.

Auditory Closure is needed to correct the distortions of speech.

Temporal Resolving Power is the ability to handles rapid sequences of sounds.

When two successive sounds come too close together, some individuals may hear only one.

Eventually a threshold is reached where everyone hears just one of two rapidly presented sounds.

Perceiving the order of successive speech sounds depends on their speed of delivery.

Some individuals may not be able to perceive the order if they come too fast.

Understanding the order of sounds is also critical for decoding morphological structure and meaning of words.

‹Fast ForwardŠ is a computer program that slows down the presentation of consonants.

Games and listening oriented activities will improve Temporal Resolving Power.

The localization of a sound depends also on Temporal Resolving Power.

Sound Localization (like stereopsis) requires two normal transducers (ears) .

The sound localization process facilitates figure-ground discrimination.

A person with only one good ear will learn language normally, but will have to work harder to understand speech in a noisy environment.

Because the speech signal is discursive and transient, memory must retain it until decoding takes place.

Sensory Short-term memory enables us to recognize phonemes.

Perceptual Short-term memory enables us to decode whole sentences.

We increase the 7 bit limit on short-term memory by the use of strategies.

A child with a very restricted short-term memory may have difficulty understanding long sentences.

Ceasar was easier to understand than Cicero because the latter wrote very long sentences

Wrote memory is form of short-term memory that holds information for hours.

We use Wrote Memory to retain information long enough to be processed into Long-Term memory.

There are many activities that will improve the short-term memory process.

Long-term memory is necessary to obtain meaning for percepts.

Author: Dr. Hall
