CD 485 Computer Applications in Communication Disorders and Sciences



Computerized Therapy Programs




Developing a computer therapy program.


         In years past, students in a computer class such as this were required to develop rudimentary computer therapy programs using a computer language like BASIC or PILOT.  This involved learning the computer language including the vocabulary, syntax and pragmatics, which were then quickly forgotten if they were not consistently used.  Hence, teachers and clinicians rarely had the time to maintain any semblance of expertise in these languages.


         Today, technology had advanced to the point where instead of having to learn a computer language, the user can employ a commercial computer program to generate a rehabilitative computer application.  Two popular programs are HyperCard (for the Macintosh) and HyperStudio (for either Macintosh or IBM compatibles).  The advantage of these programs are that there is no need to learn a computer language.  Instead, one needs only to learn the mechanics of the commercial program.  Although they can get as sophisticated as any BASIC or PILOT language, the ordinary objectives that a teacher or clinician would want to program can be accomplished with a minimum of instruction.  Once the basic instructions are read, the program operation is self-evident through its use of menus which totally describe their operations.  A simple therapy program which is multi-media based and designed to meet the needs of a particular client can be generated in a matter of 30 to 60 minutes.


         For this class we have chosen HyperStudio as the program generator.  This is because it has is a high degree of uniformity of operation between the Macintosh and PC computers; and because it has a relatively simple and transparent format.  Because when you purchased HyperStudio (as one of the two texts of this course) you received full instructions, we will not repeat them here.  You are encouraged, however, to visit the HyperStudio Web page at:





or click ( h e r e ).  You will also find many interesting sites and comments on HyperStudio by doing a web search under that name.


         What we will discuss next is how you might proceed in doing the last project -- the development of a rehabilitative program.  We have included some quicktime movie demonstrations to try and clarify some processes for you. In addition because the HyperStudio developers are a very progressive group, they are continually upgrading their product.  Hence, your version is more advanced than what I am using here,  so there may be some minor differences in appearance.  Nevertheless, the major operating principles are the same for all makes of computers(PC and MAC) and for all versions of HyperStudio..



         In HyperStudio, programs are developed in units called “Stacks.”  If a stack was analogous to a book, then the “Cards” that compose a stack would be analogous to the pages of the book.  For this project, we would like you to make a program that consists of a three card stack ( you could do more, but it is not necessary).  Your program should have color, pictures, sounds (like a click, or a lions roar, or even voice, etc.), text, and should be interactive.  The following example is one description of how you might construct a simple three card stack.  The goal of this lesson, for example, might be to drill inner language skills.


         Open the HyperStudio Program and Make a Stack of 3 or more cards:  When you have opened the HyperStudio program, you will typically want to start a new Stack (if it is the first time), or open a saved Stack (it you have been working on it from before.)  This can be done directly from the FILE menu at the top left hand corner of the Screen.  Put the cursor on it and when the menu expands, highlight your choice.  If it is a new stack, it will automatically have one card. 


         Saving the Stack:  It is a good idea to immediately save this stack at this point under any name you desire.  You will also be asked to choose where you want to save it.  It’s a good idea to save it on the hard disk, and then when you are finished for the day, to make a copy of it on a floppy.  Again, this is done through the FILE menu.  The first time you save it, you select  the SAVE AS option in the File menu.  From then on, you only need to select the SAVE option to save your work as you progress. The latter is much faster.  REMEMBER TO SAVE YOUR WORK FREQUENTLY, every three to five minutes, or after you have completed a complex and/or important piece of work!




         Making Cards in a Stack: It’s also a good idea, if you know you are going to have three or more cards to make three blank cards all at the start.  This can be done from the EDIT menu.  Highlight the NEW CARD option for each new card you want to add.  Because the cards are blank, you may not think anything happened but check the top of the screen.  It will tell you the number of the card you are on in a little box. Don’t worry if you get to many cards.  They can be easily deleted through the EDIT menu by highlighting the DELETE CARD option when the page you want to delete is on the screen.


You can move between the cards by using the options in the MOVE menu at the top.


         Importing Pictures: On Card 1 (see figure  1 below), there might be three pictures (retrieved from the HyperStudio Art Gallery File.  There are two ways to get pictures:  One is from a clip-art file.  The other is an imported object.


Clip Art: You find this option in the FILE menu at the top of the screen.  The other is a Graphic Object, which you get from the OBJECT file.  The first is easier to handle being erasable from the Tool Menu. 


Graphic Objects: These are a little more complex but can be made interactive directly.  They can’t be erased like clip art, but they can be deleted from the EDIT menu, once you have activated it through the Graphic Edit Button in the TOOL menu, and clicked on it so it is activated on the screen. 


         For our example, we will be importing Clip Art.



         Importing Pictures:  The pictures could also be drawn by you instead of importing them by using the art tools in HyperStudio program and the mouse).


         The pictures in our example will be, a lion, an elephant, and a parrot.  Also on this page we might place the instructions to “choose (click the cursor on) the animal that can fly.” 


         Making a Button:  For interactivity, each picture will be made to be an invisible “button.”  A button is an area on the computer screen where if the cursor is clicked by the student, an action will occur--in this case the program will move to another card.




         The HyperStudio instructions on how to make a button are available in the Hyperstudio manual.  It is a menu driven process.  We will design this button so that if the user clicks on either the lion or the elephant, there will be a sound of a lion roaring, or of an elephant trumpeting and the program will move to card number two which will have an error message.  If the user clicks on the parrot, there will be the sound of applause and the program will move to card number three which will have a congratulations type message.  A similar interactive button will have to be placed on the card giving the incorrect response message.  This is so the pupil can return to the question card and try it again.


         Remember, once you have made a button, you can change it at any time by clicking on the Button option of the TOOL menu, and then clicking once on the button you want to change (if you want to move it somewhere by dragging it with your mouse while the button is down); or twice if you have other changes in mind. Then just proceed through the instructions in the box that appears (as you did when you first make the button).


         Putting in Text:  A card will probably have text on it which names objects, asks questions or gives instructions etc.  There are two ways to get text.  One is to go to the TOOL menu and select the “T” option.   The other is to bring it in through the OBJECT menu. 


         Text through the TOOL Menu.  When the “T”  option in the TOOL menu is selected, the location you click on the card where you place and click the cursor,  will determine where the text will begin (when you start typing.).  You can change the size and style of the text by clicking on the OPTIONS menu and selecting TEXT STYLE.  This type of text has the advantage that it can be erased by the eraser in the Tool menu.  Editing it however, is a little more difficult.  One has to use the box option or lasso option in the TOOL menu to move sentences, words or letters.


Text through the OBJECT Menu:  The other way to include text is through the  OBJECT menu by selecting TEXT OBJECT option.  A box will appear on the screen which is adjustable in size by clicking and holding the cursor on the corners and dragging the lines with the mouse; and adjustable in position by clicking and holding the cursor in the center and dragging the box with the mouse.  When the box is the shape you wish and in the right position, click anywhere outside the box.  A new control box will appear in which you may set the text style, include or exclude a scroll bar, make it read only etc.  When you are finished with this box, reactivate the hand in the TOOL Menu.  Put the cursor in the text box and click it one time to activate the box.   Now you can begin typing the words.  One very great advantage of this box is that it works exactly like a word processor.  You can delete, insert, and copy text at anytime.  You can even cut and paste it in from another word processor. 


The box, however, can not be erased by the eraser in the TOOL Menu.  Instead, one must click on the Text Edit option in the TOOL Menu,  activate the text square by clicking in it once, and choose Delete (or Cut or Copy) from the EDIT Menu.  Incidentally, if you click on the text square twice in rapid succession, you will get that control box back which will let you put a border around the text box, make it so it can scroll, change the text style, or make it so that no one else can write in it (i.e., read only) as we discussed above.  This is how you can edit a text box any time after you have created it.





(Figure  1)



         Card 2 (see figure 2):   Card 2 will be used to indicate that the pupil’s answer was correct.  Hence, there should be some  text which portrays something to the effect that “...Yes! That was the right answer.”   With a little more experience (but not required for this project) one could easily have recorded these words onto this card so they would be spoken by the computer when the card is put on the screen.  This, of course, would require an audio input jack for the computer, and a microphone. 




 (Figure  2)





         On Card 3 (see figure 3) might be text only saying, “...Sorry, but that was not the answer, please try again”. This card will also need a button placed probably at the bottom of the card which, when clicked, will return the student to the first card to try the exercise again.  This button should have a sound attached to it when it is activated such as a “click.”











(figure # 3)



         For your report in this project, we would like you to please submit as an attachment to an email message to Dr. Hall ( a copy of the program.











It is also sold sometimes for slightly less on some other internet sites.  For example another source is Mag Software.  Check their listings at the following URL: