Current Location: Section V - Identifying the Appropriate Databases -- Books from World CAT through FirstSearch

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Identifying the appropriate databases – Books from World CAT through First Search 


After observing the behavior of Librarians for many years I have come to the conclusion that in the mind of the Librarian there are two categories of literature: Books and not-Books.  For books there are two places to look on-line: World CAT and the CSUN Online Library Catalog.  WorldCat is the more important for DE students because it is used to order books for delivery.  However, the University On-Line Catalog can provide some interesting extra data on books such as, related Subject Headings, Call Numbers, location and whether or not the book is checked out.


The CSUN Library contains one of the most impressive collections of books in the country related to the topic of Communication Disorders and Sciences, thanks to the diligence of our librarian, Marcia Henry! To search for and obtain these books, we can log into a database called World CAT.  Like the University Library Catalog, this is really nothing more than a computerized version of what used to be the old Library Card Catalog. For the one or two students in the program who are over 60 you may remember those cabinets with drawers and drawers of cards for all of the books, that used to be in the front of every library.  The cabinets and cards are gone now, and in their place we have computers and a software called World CAT.  World CAT is a computer accessed on-line database that can be used not only to find out if the CSUN Library has a book (or journal) but also if any Library, State or Nation wide has it in their collection.  This is not just of academic interest, because if a Library other than CSUN has the book, it may be in a location near to you and you may be able to go there and check it out!   And in the near future, many of these book themselves will be on-line, text and all, and you will have access to them from your home computer.  Of course, most of the books at CSUN are listed in World CAT, although, specific information, such as call numbers and availability, is not included.  Let me also underscore the fact that you can find out through WorldCat (and the University Library Catalog too) whether or not our Library has a certain Journal.  But, you cannot, of course, search for particular articles in that Journal.  For that you must go to other databases, which we will discuss later.


            For DE Students it is very easy to access World CAT.  But before we do, let me first mention the “middle man,” called FIRST SEARCH.  The University does not maintain World CAT directly.  Instead, it subscribes to a service that does maintain it. We, as students and faculty of CSUN, have access through the University to this service.  The name of the service is FIRST SEARCH.  It not only has the World CAT database, but many of the non-Book (journals, newspapers, documents etc.) databases that we will need also to do our research.


When we log into FIRST SEARCH for a book database (like World CAT) or a database for journals (such as Medline), the screen will always look pretty much the same.  Here is an example:







First Search (featuring WorldCat)



Although there will be some nuances that are not shared between the databases on FIRST SEARCH, it will be easy to forget which database we are using.  But FIRST SEARCH will always have it posted in the gray stripe above and to the right (where the arrow is in our picture above).  


For a very helpful, brief tutorial-like introduction to FIRST SEARCH and how to use it, check out the following URL…


As I said before, for DE Students it is very easy to access World CAT from the DE Com. Dis. Library Home page.


Just click in the “WorldCat” link under the heading: “Books and Articles CSUN Owns:  Request on FirstSearch ” (see the illustration below).


Communication Disorders Distance Learners:  Databases and Document Delivery (Upper Left Quadrant)



When First Search opens on the screen, it will be focused on the WorldCat database.  You are ready to begin your search. 


Let me say again that linking into the tutorial on how to use FirstSearch, mentioned above, would be well worth your while before you do this. Also please explore on Marcia Henry’s DE Home page…


…under the heading “Books and Document Delivery,”

the process of  getting an “Inter Library Loan,” which you, as a DE student, will use to get books you need delivered from the CSUN Library for your research papers.


Also explore all the pull-down menus, and remember that in most cases, the instructions for what you need to do are posted somewhere on the screen. 


One of the big decisions we have to make first in our search for a book is, what the strategy will be for the search.  I could use, for example “keywords” as opposed to “author” or a phrase in the “title.”  And the keywords I might select off the top of my head might be “communication, disabled and devices.”











Searching for Books inWorldCat through FirstSearch


I might wish to limit the search to English since I don’t speak more than one language; and I might also want to arrange the findings by date so I have the most recent books listed first.










Limiting Search and Sorting by Date Books in WorldCat through FirstSearch


This strategy, as simple as it is, yields some productive references:  241 in all of which 176 are books.











Reference 13 thru 16 of 241 located by WorldCat through FirstSearch


I am looking for a book that is in our CSUN Library since these are the only ones that I can get delivered as a Distance Education Student.  One way I know the book is in the CSUN Library is that the reference will include the following icon “  .“   WorldCat includes this icon if it has been notified that CSUN has the book.  If the icon is not there, it may be recommended that we check the CSUN Library Catalog to see if the book has been obtained yet.


If the book is not in the CSUN Library, we may wish to see what libraries do have it.  Although I can’t have it delivered through



Inter Library Loan, I may find one library, which has the reference in my vicinity.  In the example above 176 libraries Nation wide have the book.  I can get a list of them by clicking on the “Libraries World Wide” link…


Universities that Own the Reference Listed by WorldCat through FirstSearch


If I live near CSU at Chico, for example, I can go to that library in person and check out the book.





Notice the icon that is included at the end of the reference that is owned by CSUN: “.”  This is a link that will take you directly to the reference in the CSUN Library Catalog where more information, like the Call Number, can be obtained.


If I go to the full reference in WorldCat, I can also get some important information.  Besides the usual name, author, publisher and description etc., I will also find some subject descriptors or terms.  These could be very useful particularly if I only had found a few references using my terms “disabled, communication and devices.”  Other terms, for example may include “Communication Aids for Disabled.”


















The Full Book Reference located by WorldCat through FirstSearch


If I decide this is a book that I want, I can go to the top of the reference page and click on the Inter Library Loan Icon, “.”










Inter Library Loan Link for Book Reference located by WorldCat through FirstSearch


This link will lead us to a form, which we can fill out (using among other things our 14 digit bar code, and noting that our status is Distance Education) and submit on-line to have the book delivered to us. 









On-line Inter Library Loan form located by WorldCat through FirstSearch


Please note any references to the time it takes to get the book to you and the date the book must be returned.


Let’s look now at the CSUN Library Catalog (Section VI) to see how it differs.