Current Location: Section III - Logging on to the Library Distance Education Home Page for Communicative Disorders Students

[ Top ] : [ Module 3 ] : Section III - Logging on to the Library Distance Education Home Page for Communicative Disorders Students

Course Documents




 Logging ON to the library Distance Education Home Page


for Communicative Disorders Students


          The first place to go on the Internet road to the library is to the CSUN Home Page.  The URL address is:


It will look like this:






















CSUN Home Page


The next step, on the CSUN Home Page, is to click the cursor on the words “University Library,” in the middle of the list to the left of the picture.


This will take you to the Library Home page (see the picture below).   It’s a good idea to add this address to your Bookmarks.








CSUN Library Home Page



          From the Library Home page we will want to navigate to the Distance Education Home Page for Communicative Disorders.    This page is our on-line Library Mecca !  Much of the information you will need (particularly recent updates) can be accessed from this page.


 There is an old saying that “All roads lead to Mecca .”  All right, it was really Rome , but the principle applies, that in the labyrinth of the library on-line system, there are many paths to a particular destination. The DE Home Page for Communicative Disorders is no exception. You will come across many ways to get there (the best of which is to Bookmark it, once you have gotten there the first time.)  I will show one route now, however, that has some interesting points along the way


On the Library Home Page, click on the words, “About the Library (the second heading in the right hand column). This will take you to a screen called, as you might have suspected,  “About the University Library.”


And true to its word, every thing and more a person would want to know about the CSUN Library, it’s layout, services and people can be accessed from this page.  We, however, have a life and are interested in only one feature—library personnel.  That is because we have a Librarian specialist specifically assigned to help students in Communicative Disorders.  She will be one of the most important allies you have in finding resources on-line for your research, and getting them to you!  So I would like to introduce you to her Web Page.




About the University Library


Hence, on the About the University Library page, you should click on the Librarian Specialtieslink (again, the second heading in the right-hand column). This will take you to another screen called, “Librarian Assignments



Librarians Specialties (Assignments)


Listed at the top of this screen are the names of the Librarian Specialists.  We are fortunate to have assigned to our Department, Marcia Henry, who is without equal this side of heaven in the area of computer based research and databases.  Marcia Henry’s direct phone line is (818) 677 3012, and her email is…


If you click your cursor on her name (in the third column from the right on the Librarian Specialties Page) you will come to Marcia’s Library Web Page:




Marcia Henry’s University Library Web Page




There is a wealth of links to information on this page, which you may wish to explore briefly.  But particularly germane to our focus here is the link to the Distance Education Communication Science and Disorders web page.  When you click on that link, you have arrived!  It’s a long page so you will need to scroll to the bottom to see everything…


(For students on campus there is another home page with the same information in a slightly different format


which eliminates information that pertains to Distance Education Students only)



 ADD THIS PAGE TO YOUR BOOKMARKS.  Then examine it closely.  It has critical information about important procedures that you will need to know as a Distance Ed. Student.  This page will clarify much for you and will provide you with the MOST RECENT UPDATES AND CHANGES.  Refer to this page and the CD home page frequently to help clarify your confusions and to become familiar with the databases.


For example, the first thing you might want to note on this page is the role your Barcode plays in gaining admittance to a number of University Databases.  The Barcode is the 14 digit number on the back of the CSUN Photo ID card.























Communicative Disorders Distance Learners:  Databases and Document Delivery


First Steps

   Your 14 digit barcode will allow you access to our Library thru the Proxy Server

   Your 14 digit barcode helps you preview your patron record.



One database of particular importance, for example, that requires the Barcode is Ingenta (which was formerly Carl Uncover).  This service is unique in that it will fax the article to you at the University’s expense—up to a limit of 24 per year.   Since they charge by the page, incidentally, it would be prudent for student’s to pay themselves for short articles (using a credit card) and let the University pay for the long articles!  Don’t tell anyone I suggested that, however, or they’ll send me back to teaching Tropical Agriculture courses at the junior college up in Gnome again.


Look carefully, also, at the Book and Documentary Delivery section which says… 


Books and Document Delivery


Allow at least two weeks for Delivery; and Identify yourself as a DE student


Books CSUN owns will be mailed to your home - 2 week loan.

CSUN ownership is usually identified by using both WorldCat and CSUN Library Online Catalog. You Request either using WorldCat or the CSUN's Interlibrary Loan Book Form Remember: Identify yourself! as a student in the Online/DE Masters Degree Speech Pathology.


…and much more!


Check out all the links.  For you folks who live outside bicycling range of the University, this is the backbone of the whole Distance Ed research process; and an understanding of the procedures, timelines and limitations is essential to the conduct of the research you will need to do.


Now glance at the left hand column  (in blue, or green depending on what glasses I am wearing, sorry about that).  Listed there are links to many of the databases that you will need to access in order to complete the homework assignment for this section--as well as survive for the rest of the Master’s program.  These are helpful shortcuts to these sources that will save you a lot of time.









Communicative Disorders Distance Learners:  Databases and Document Delivery (Left hand Column)



There is a host of other helpful links providing suggestions on research on this Page, so take the time to follow them and learn what they have to offer.  When all else fails, the most enduring source is the librarian.  Note that you can contact one also from the link on that page…







Communicative Disorders Distance Learners:  Databases and Document Delivery (continued)


Now before we begin to discuss how to identify the appropriate Databases (Section V), we would like to make brief statement about our Proxy Server (Section IV).