Current Location: Section XI - Identifying the Appropriate Databases – LLBA (Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts)

[ Top ] : [ Module 3 ] : Section X – LLBA (Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts)

Course Documents





Identifying the appropriate databases – - LLBA



I.               One of the most useful databases for research in Communication Disorders is LLBA  (Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts).  One way to get to it is from the University Library Welcome Page, as we did for other databases:


University Library Welcome Page


Here we can use the “Find Articles and More” link where we can get to another link called, “Databases A thru Z“.








University Library Find Articles and More Page

This “Databases A-Z” link will take us to the “University Library Databases: Alphabetical List” page.















University Library Databases: Alphabetical List



Once we get to the Alphabetical List page we could scroll down until we get to the “L” listings, or we can use the short-cut alphabet grid at the top of the page.  Clicking on the “L” link in that grid takes us directly to the “L” listings.
















University Library Databases: “L” Listings


There in the center of the “L” listing is the database we want—LLBA or Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts.  Clicking on the LLBA link will take us to a site called the CSA Internet Database Service, which provides LLBA. 


Of course we could have also gotten to the CSA site more directly from the Communicative Disorders Distance Learners:  Databases and Document Delivery Page.












Communicative Disorders Distance Learners:  Databases and Document Delivery Page


There, under the section entitled “Other”, is LLBA , item number 3.  Clicking on that link will take us directly to the CSA site and the LLBA database.















CSA Internet Database Service:  Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts:  Search Strategy


Noting that the truncation symbol for this service is an “*,” we can initiate a keyword search for articles using all of the words “augment* and devic* and communicat* (not visible in the box above).










CSA Internet Database Service:  Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts:  Search Results



This returns a list of 82 citations.  It is interesting to note that for each citation, if we click on the author’s name we will get a list of all the articles authored or coauthored by that person.  The view the full record we can click on the “View Record” link.











CSA Internet Database Service:  Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts:  Full Record & Abstract

The full record includes all of the typical library indexing information data we would expect, like the ISSN number; and an abstract of the article. 














CSA Internet Database Service:  Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts:  Full Record & Descriptors


If we scroll further on down the full citation, we will come across some Descriptors, which are related words that may provide perhaps, a different set of keywords if we wish to continue our search.  There is much more, of course, that can be said about LLBA and the CSA Internet Database Service.  It is well worthwhile to explore the “Help” section to obtain further hints on search strategies, or for that matter of fact, bits of information that can be used perhaps for the library assignment (multiple choice questions) for this module.