Current Location: Section VIII - Identifying the Appropriate Databases -- Ingenta for Journal Articles

[ Top ] : [ Module 3 ] : Section VIII - Identifying the Appropriate Databases -- Ingenta for Journal Articles

Course Documents






Identifying the appropriate databases – INGENTA for Journal Articles


Another very useful database service that is accessible from the DE Com. Dis. Library Home Page is Ingenta.  You should be aware that there has been a name change here, and that this service was formerly called Carl Uncover.  This name may still be on some of the links you come across.  Ingenta is a particularly important database to DE students (and all graduate students) because…


…it provides a means of getting articles from journals that are NOT in the CSUN library!  In addition, they are faxed directly to you! 


Ingenta develops it’s database by searching the table of contents of over 17000 journals for key words for topics, so it is a fairly comprehensive service. Before we try to access Ingenta, however, we must fill out and submit TWO online forms. 


The first is an Ingenta Document Delivery Agreement Form from CSUN. This will provide us with and account ID and Password so that the University can be charged for the journal articles we request (remember a limit of 24 per year).


The second is a Profile with Ingenta, which permits us to enter and request articles. 


To complete and submit the first form--the Agreement Form to get an ID and Password for Ingenta, we must go to the DE Com. Dis. Library Home Page.


Communicative Disorders Distance Learners: Databases and Document Delivery

Here we simply click on the Ingenta Document Delivery Agreement link in the First Steps Section.






CSUN Ingenta Document Delivery Agreement Form


We need to fill out the blanks on this screen. Among other things we will have to have our 14 digit barcode and Student ID number handy to complete the form.  When we submit this form (by clicking on the “Send us your agreement” link,) we will receive two email messages.  One will be a confirmation that our information was sent; and the other will be a message providing us with our Account ID and our Password.  This we will use when we are in the Ingenta program to direct any charges to the University.  I will explain how we do this shortly.


The next step, as you can imagine, is to fill in the second form to create an Ingenta Profile.  This is what we needed the account number and password for.  To do this we must go to the “About Ingenta Document Delivery Service @ CSUN” page.




 We can reach is page from the Communicative Disorders Distance Learners: Databases and Document Delivery.

























Communicative Disorders Distance Learners: Databases and Document Delivery




This time we click on the “Ingenta,” link in the section on Books and Document Delivery.


This takes us to the Home page for Ingenta where we can log in.





California State University, Northridge Ingenta Home Page



But then, we are not ready yet to log in.  You might think that the ID and Password you obtained through the CSUN delivery Agreement Form would sufficient here but they are NOT.  You must first sign up with Ingenta (i.e., fill out a Profile form).  When you click on the “Sign up” link you will arrive at the Personal Registration form (Profile).













Ingenta Personal Registration Form (Profile-Top)



Besides the typical information requested, there is at the bottom of the form a space to put in (create) a user name
and a password.













Ingenta Personal Registration Form (Profile-Bottom)


When we fill in these blanks and submit this form, it is possible that we may immediately receive a message saying that the user name we created is already being used by someone else.  If that is the case, then we just need to make-up another user name and re-submit the form.  When we are successful we should receive two email messages (typically within hours).  The first is a conformation that the message was received, and the second will provide us with the User Name or ID and Password to enter Ingenta.  Now, after we receive the second email with the information, we will want to return to the Ingenta Home Page…








California State University, Northridge Ingenta Home Page

This time we can type in our new User Id (name) and Password, and click on the “Enter” link. 


We have now reached the Ingenta Gateway Page.  











Ingenta Gateway Page


We could actually start a search here by clicking on the “Search Options” link.  But before we start a search it would be prudent to set up our account so that when we order an article, it can be charged to the University.


(Keep in mind that we will have the option before we send in an order to use a credit card instead.  As we mentioned earlier, since we are restricted to 24 articles a year, if the one we want is very short and inexpensive, me may wish to pay for it ourselves and reserve our ‘freebees’ for the longer expensive articles!!!). 


Hence, to do this we click on the “Manage Profile” link instead.  This will take us to the Manage Profile Screen, which has, among other things, some personal details about me (you).  Don’t panic, it’s nothing the Inquirer would be interested in. 



Ingenta Management Page


But what we are interested in is the last option in that list (you may have to scroll down the screen a bit) called “CLAIM ACCOUNT.”  When we click on that link we get to…




the Claim Account page …


Ingenta Claim Account Page

…where we enter the Account ID and PASSWORD we received from the CSUN Agreement Form that we submitted earlier.  After we have submitted this information we can via the Search Options link in the left hand column to begin our search.










Ingenta Search Page



I typically prefer the title, keyword and abstract option.  Note that we can restrict the search to certain years, dates, volumes or issues.  Or we can just go with the defaults.  I have typed in here for our search strategy, the key words “Augmentative Communication”.  Using those keywords I got 136 citations:








Ingenta Search Results Page


Of particular importance here are the book icons that are under each number…


The colored “” icon means that the CSUN Library owns the reference listed there.  In that case we should NOT use Ingenta to order that reference!  Instead we should order it through WorldCat and the Inter Library Loan process.


The empty “” icon means that the CSUN Library does NOT own the reference, and we are welcome to request it through Ingenta.


In the list of references I received, item #4 is NOT owned by the CSUN Library, while Item #5 is.




Ingenta Search Results Page (cont.)


If I want to order the 4th reference, I can click on the “full text availability” link.  That gets us to a screen where we can charge the University or pay for it our selves.























Ingenta Payment Plan Page


This particular article cost $38.41, which is enough for me to hit the “Account” line so the University will pay for it.  Here we can use the account password provided from the University Agreement form, or we could use our own credit card if we want to save our “freebees.”  For the latter, of course, we would click on the Pay by Credit Card Link.  The full text of the article will be sent to us via the Fax number we had listed in the Profile.  And so the search goes on.