Department of Communication Disorders and Sciences


CD 485 Computer Applications in Communication Disorders


Summer 2009


(On Campus Section)




Instructor:  Edward Hall, Ph.D.




Office:  Monterey Hall, Room 331


Address:  Department of Communication Disorders & Sciences


18111 Nordhoff Street


Northridge, CA 91330-8279


Telephone:  818.677.2823




Office Hours:  Monday and Wednesday : 1:30 to 3:00 p.m.




Course Meetings and Credit

Monday & Wednesday, 4:00 PM to 7:45 PM, Monterey Hall, Room 101; for 3 units.


I.              Course Description: This course provides an overview of computers from the perspective of how they interrelate and function to meet the needs of the Speech Pathologist/Audiologist engaged in the rehabilitation of individuals with communication handicaps. Special attention will be given to computer search strategies for Library Access and Research; to a description of the Modalities of Augmentative and Alternative communication for severely dysarthric, apraxic, aphasic, autistic, hearing impaired, and cognitively impaired clients; and to the rudiments of computer program development to facilitate teaching and therapy. This includes discussions, demonstrations and research into the use of general computers as well as those that are dedicated to performing a particular communicative function.


Knowledge and Skills Analysis (KASA) for Department Majors


For majors in speech-language pathology, this course contributes to:


Standard III-C. The Nature of Disorders:


( Social Aspects of Communication (Etiologies and Characteristics)


(Communication Modalities (Etiologies and Characteristics)


Standard III-D. Prevention, Assessment and Treatment Methodology:


(Social Aspects of Communication (Prevention)


( Communication Modalities: Assessment and Intervention)



For majors in Audiology, this course contributes to:


Standard IV-E. Treatment of Individuals with auditory, balance and related communication Disorders:


(E8.Recommend, dispense and service prosthetic and assistive devices




II. Student Learning Outcomes (SLO); and Sources:


A.   To be able to use a computer for library research.











B.   To be able to name and describe a range of different types of augmentative and/or assistive communication devices; and the modalities and issues involved in their use.


1. Recognizing the role of AAC and Communication


2. Describing the role ofÊ AAC and Modalities


3. Giving a brief Introduction to AAC Devices


4. Describing the role of Assistive Technology in Communication


5. Listing and describing the Issues in AAC Device Selection


6. Listing and describing the Issues in AAC Device Implementation


7. Describing Non Computer AAC Devices ÊÊand their role in Communication


8. Describing Personal Computers as AAC Devices ÊÊand their role in Communication


9. Listing and describing AAC Device Accessories


10. Listing and describing AAC Device Software


11. Listing and describing Issues and use of AAC Dedicated Devices


12. Listing AAC Device Resources




C.   To be able to analyze the effectiveness of commercial rehabilitative programs in speech and/or language rehabilitation.



1. Evaluating a Computer Teaching Program




D.  To be able to develop a rehabilitative program for speech and/or language therapy.



1. Developing a Computer Teaching Program




E.    To be able to describe the concepts behind Interactive Video for speech/language rehabilitation.



1. Incorporating Interactive Video  in the development of therapy programs




F.    To be able to describe and to run a voice input program designed for speech/language rehabilitation.





1. Using Voice Input Systems




III.     Course Requirements& Grading Bases


A. Term Paper on augmentative/assistive communication devices (approximately ten pages or 3000 words). The topic can be as general or as specific as you prefer.  It can focus on or include considerations of non technical strategies (like PECS)and/or high tech devices like computers.Ê THE PAPER MUST HAVE AT LEAST ONE REFERNCE IN APA FORMAT AT THE END.Ê THIS REFERENCE MUST BE A ARTICLE OR BOOK REFERENCE AND CAN NOT BE AN INTERNET SITE.Ê The paper is to be included as part of the Class Notebook [item 7] described below) -- 25% of grade. Please note that both a hard copy printout of the paper and A FLOPPY DISC or CD COPY should be submitted in the Class Notebook as described below.


B.  Class Notebook (Portfolio) (Make a copy for your self also, because the ones you submit will not be returned but will remain as part of the class records for antiquity)-- 50% of grade. This can be submitted without a binder, but with TABS & a TABLE OF CONTENTS, and should include the following sections:



1.  A computer generated ID picture with first and last name (I will assist you with this, but if you have a scanner or a digital camera and know how how to do it, you are welcome to do it yourself).  This picture may include spouses, friends, pets, and family members, but please be sure to label yourself because family members (and in our house, pets) often resemble each other.Ê Some students have included an array of individual body parts (only those acceptable in church please) as a sample test or exercise of visual closure.Ê But in such cases it is necessary to remember to include the blended answer (i.e., the total picture) somewhere in the portfolio.


2.  A computer program developed through Power Point (a three cardÊ minimum), designed to teach a cognitive, language, speech, or pragmatic concept.  This program should have pictures, interactive links, feedback, and sound. In addition to the hard copy printout, a COPY on a CD of the program should be submitted as part of the class notebook report.  Please note that all electronic copies of sections can be put on the same CD.


3.  A one to two page report on Steven Hawking describing his communication problem and solutions that were applied. Please note that report on any professional conference (eg., the AAC Technologies, including handouts etc.) could be substituted for this assignment.


4.  A Library Search report (i.e., a computer generated bibliography) on the topic of Augmentative and/or Assistive Devices for Communicatively Handicapped individuals. This will follow the below format:


a.   Please obtain two (2) references for Books on the Topic of Augmentative/Alternative Devices (or similar subject headings) from each of the sources listed below. Include these in a section of your Class Notebook (Portfolio) The format of the references should be APA (American Psychology Association).


b.   Please obtain Ten (10) references from journals on the Topic of AAC...selected from the list of databases provided below.Ê The references should be APA (American Psychology Association).


c.    One of the Ten references in (b) above should be a FULL TEXT article.Ê Please include this article in its entirety in your portfolio.


You might want to keep in mind that one of your other Herculean tasks will be to write a paper on Augmentative and/or Alternative and/or Assistive Devices for the communicatively disabled individual. Hence, you might find some useful references here that you could use for this next project. I should tell you that the list of journals could BE MODIFIED as we progress into the semester.  If you have already completed the work, however, the old requirements will still be valid-- STAY TUNED!




a.     TWO (2) book from each those listed below:


1. WorldCat




b.     TEN (10) journal article references in APA format to be selected from those listed below.Ê One must be a FULL TEXT article and should be included in its entirety in the portfolio:


1.      PubMed

2.      Eric (CSA)

3.      CINAHL Plus with full Text (EBSCO)

4.      Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts (LLBA)

5.      PsycINFO (EBSCO)

6.      Academic Search Elite (EBSCO)

7.      Wilson OmniFile Full Text Mega

8.      INSPEC (Engineering Village)

9.      Cochrane Library (Wiley)

10. Health Reference Center (Gale)

11. ScienceDirect (Elsevier)


13. Communication & Mass Media (EBSCO)

14. Wiley Interscience

15. Education Full Text (Wilson)



5.    Review, analysis & report on ONE commercial computer rehabilitative programs (there is a check-off list that  is provided under the link for this goal above.



6.  TWENTY-QUESTIONS twice:  Once, from the Class Textbook develop 20 questions: Three from the Introduction, and six from each of the three Sections. The questions will all be in a multiple choice format with five options (a thru e), with the one intended answer indicated by an * or some other means. 


And the second time, from the Class Lectures include another 20 questions-- several questions from each class lecture to equal 20 (in the same multiple choice format with the indicated answers). Both a hard copy printout and a FLOPPY DISC or CD COPY of the questions will be submitted as part of the notebook report.  IMPORTANT—IMPORTANT—IMPORTANT:  AN ORIGINAL COPY OF THE THREE QUESTIONS WRITTEN BY HAND IS TO BE TURNED IN AT THE END OF THE CLASS SESSION.  BE SURE YOUR NAME AND THE DATE ARE INDICATED ON THE PAPER.



7. Four Completion Reports verifying successful completion of the 4 Tests at the end of the Introduction and each Section of the Class Text.  (These pages can be printed by hitting control-P or by using the Print Screen Key, and included as a section in this portfolio.



8. Term Paper of approximaltely ten pages (3000 words) on augmentative/assistive communication devices (see "A" above.)



C.  Textbook Examination: There are FOUR computer administered Tests in the Textbook:  One at the end of each Section. After successful completion of a Test, a Congratulations page is presented.Ê These need to be copied and included in the portfolio (See Section 7 above.)




D. CLASS ATTENDANCE (for the ENTIRE (!!!) class period) is an issue in this class.  Although some sessions will be painfully boring, there is some important background information that ASHA wants you to have.  In addition,  ON THOSE DAYS THAT WE HAVE GUEST SPEAKERS IT IS EVEB A BIGGER ISSUE!!! Many of these speakers have come from a far distance after a full days work (viz., San Diego or Lancaster etc.) and it is a pathetic if not catastrophic reflection on us, if by the end of our class, the only people left are me (the instructor), the presenter(s) and two or three (A-Level) students!!! Any student, however, male or female, who just happens to be pregnant and has been in labor for an hour or more in will be excused for the last half of the class.




E.  Final Exam (online):  To be taken whenever you want.  You can retake it as often as you have the patience to do.  I will keep your highest score so you have nothing to lose but the quality of life and your sanity.  The following is the URL for the Final Exam:



CD 485 Final Exam (can be taken again, and again and again etc.)


V.  Class Text


A.  Required: The Text--WHEN THE TALKING STOPS--IT'S TIME FOR ACTION - Assistive Communication Technology: Issues, Options and Needs, Nordhoff Orange Press: CSUN, 2007--Price $250 for the limited Hard Copy edition (with an autographed picture of the author on each page) available through Dr. Hall.


B.      Required: A Tutorial on Developing Therapy Programs Using Power Point --THE POINT OF POWER THERAPY : A --Price $70 (No pictures of the Author Available).


C.  SPECIAL PACKAGE DEAL for CSUN CD 485: Students in this class only may Purchase both Texts together for a single Price of only $349.00


D. (Warning this Addendum may self erase after you read it)...for those very few students who feel they can function without these Texts with hard covers and the autographed picture of the author and his family on each page, both Texts are available in electronic format to be copied for FREE from Dr. Hall. Just bring two CD's or a memory stick—before or during class.  As a consolation for not being able to get the autographed hard cover Text with the authors photo on each page, there is in this free electronic version of the Text (if you can find it) a complete 20 picture history taken from the TV Series, Your So Called Life, of Dr. Hall’s life from childhood to senescence, describing clearly how he became what he is today.)



VI Class Schedule CD 485, Spring 2008 (Will probably be modified)


May 27 -- Introduction to Computer Applications in Communication Disorders & Sciences--an Overview of the Course and Class Projects plus an overview of the SLP in the Public School System.


June 1 -- AAC: Communication via the Modalities, & Issues in AAC


June 3 -- Library Research via Computer Access to books and articles (Marcia Henry, CD Research Librarian). THE CLASS WILL BE HELD IN THE Oviatt Library, Computer Lab C.


June 8 -- Computer Program Evaluation, and Program Development using Power Point & Board Maker


June 10 -- Library Research (Continued with Marcia Henry, CD Research Librarian). THE CLASS WILL BE HELD AGAIN IN THE Oviatt Library, Computer Lab C.


June 15 – To Be Announced


June 17  TENTATIVE-- Dynavox with Amy Hlad (Company Representative and Rick Hohn (Company spokesman and Dynavox user)


June 22  TENTATIVE--Alternative & Assistive Communication Devices (Zygo Industries with Adam Weiss, Company representative).


June 24  TENTATIVE--Lingraphica AAC for Aphasia


June 29  TENTATIVE--UNITY and the Prentke Romich Company (PRC) with Margaret Perkins (Company Representative)


July 1  --Alternative & Assistive Communication Devices (TANGO Industries with Josh Witt, Company representative).


July 6  TENTATIVE--Ventura Country Office of Education Selpa, Assistive Technololgy Assessment Team (ATAC) with Sherry Ruditsky and Susan Pray & Discussion of Words Plus


July 8  Dr. Hall will demonstrate, while blind folded, the technique of re-assembling (in the time it takes the elevator to descend from the third to the first floor in Monterey Hall!) a PC or MAC laptop computer (volunteered by a CD 485 student) after it is dropped down an elevator shaft by a theoretically disoriented and/or crazed Professor. The demonstration will be held in Monterey Hall on the floor of the Elevator Shaft (Please use the stairs during this demonstration.)


(Please note that circumstances both within and beyond human and/or cyber control may and hopefully will result in variations in the above schedule.)


Special Needs


Requests for accommodation in test taking or other special needs must be made to the instructor by the second class meeting (or during the first week of the session, for on-line students). Students who are authorized the assistance of sign language interpretation or who are receiving real time captioning, are permitted preferential seating in class (if this becomes applicable).


Academic Honesty


Every member of the academic community at California State  University Northridge is expected to act with honesty and trustworthiness. In this course and all other, acts of cheating, plagiarism, misrepresentation, or other forms of dishonesty are not tolerated. Student academic dishonesty will result in penalties ranging from a failing grade on an assignment or examination, to a failing grade in the course, to referral to the Office of Student Affairs for a determination of suspension or dismissal from the University, as described in the University Catalog.




The URL for this Class Outline is: 








Computer Update for Jewish Students


A company in Israel has developed a kosher computer, called a DELLSHALOM.


If you or a friend are considering a kosher computer, you should know that there were some important upgrades and changes from what you may be used to, such as:


* The cursor moves from right to left.


* It comes with two hard drives, one for fleyshedik business software and one for milchedik games.


* Instead of getting a "General Protection Fault" error, your PC now gets "Ferklempt."


* The Chanukah screen savers include "Flying Dreidels".


* The PC also shuts down automatically at sundown on Friday evenings.


* After the computer dies, you have to dispose of it within 24 hours.


* The "Start" button has been replaced with a "Let's go! I'm not getting any younger!" button.


* When disconnecting external devices from the back of your PC, you are instructed to "Remove the cable from the PC 'stuchus".


* The multimedia player has been renamed to "Nu, so play my music already!"


* Internet Explorer has a spinning "Star of David" in the upper right corner.


* You hear "Hava Nagila" during startup.


* Microsoft Office now includes "A little byte of this, and a little byte of that."


* When running "scandisk," it prompts with a "You want I should fix this?" message.


* When your PC is working too hard, you occasionally hear a loud "Oy Gevalt!"


* There is a "monitor cleaning solution "from Manischewitz that advertises that it gets rid of the "schmutz unddrek" on your monitor.


* After 20 minutes of no activity, my PC goes "Schloffen."


* Computer viruses can now be cured with some matzoball chicken soup.


* The Y2K problem has been replaced by "Year5760-5761" issues.


* If you decide not to shut down the computer in the prescribed manner the following message appears "You should be ashamed of yourself"


* When Spellcheck finds and error it prompts "Is this the best you can do?"




And so it goes...




Computer Update for NON Jewish Students


From a Dr.Seuss Computer Manual


Here's an easy game to play.

Here's an easy thing to say.


If a packet hits a pocket on a socket on a port

And the bus is interrupted as a very last resort,

And the address of the memory makes your floppy disk abort,

Then the socket pocket has an error to report!


If your cursor finds a menu item followed by a dash,

And the double-clicking icons puts your window in the trash,

And your data is corrupted 'cause the index doesn't hash

Then your situation's hopeless, and your system's gonna crash!


You can't say this?

What a shame sir!

We'll find you

Another game sir.


If the label on the cable on the table at your house,

Says the network is connected to the button on your mouse,

But your packets want to tunnel on another protocol,

That's repeatedly rejected by the printer down the hall,


And your screen is all distorted by the side effects of gauss

So your icons in the window are as wavy as a sosuse,

Then you may as well reboot and go out with a bang,

'Cause as sure as I'm a poet, the sucker's gonna hang!


When the copy of your floppy's getting sloppy on the disk,

And the microcode instructions cause unnecessary risk,



Then you have to flash your memory and you'll want to RAM your ROM,

Quickly turn the computer off and be sure to tell your mom!




Thank you for your patience and have a nice Semester, or in the case of most CD Students, at least try to survive it!!!