Course Requirements
- Class Attendance and Participation. I consider class preparation, attendance, and informed participation to be essential components of the learning experience in this course.
- Summary Essays. There will be 6 “summary essay” assignments, 2-3 pages each, spaced throughout the semester. Each essay will be due on a Tuesday and will be based on the readings and class discussions included in the preceding 4 or 5 class sessions. The purpose of each essay is to give you an opportunity to show your understanding of the issues and arguments covered in those sessions. Your best 5 grades on these essays will count toward your course grade.
- Term Paper. A term paper, of about 5 pages, is required at the end of the course.
- The summary essays will substitute for exams. No additional examinations will be required.
- Summary Essays. The average of your 5 best grades on the summary essays will count for 82% of your course grade.
- Term Paper. Your grade on the term paper will count for 18% of your course grade.
- Class Attendance and Participation. Consistent attendance and positive contributions to discussion can add up to two points to your course grade. Excessive absences will negatively impact your course grade. (Students who attend fewer than half the classes will be deemed “non-participants” and will receive a grade of F or WU.)
- Grading System. All grading will be on the plus/minus grading system.