Precambrian Geology and Instantaneous Creation


"According to modern evolutionary theory, our planet originated from the accumulation of hot, gaseous material ejected from the sun, and the Precambrian granites were among the first rocks to form during the cooling process."(Gentry (1986, p. 1) [Note that Gentry claims "modern evolutionary theory" (whatever that is in this context) holds that Earth's elements originated from the sun by ejection.]


During the last 100 or so years, a great deal of work has been carried out on the Precambrian Canadian Shield. Many contemporary geologists divide the Shield into seven distinct geological "Provinces." Ontario, where Gentry’s samples came from, includes three of there provinces. The Superior, situated in northern Ontario, is the oldest (all isotopic ages from the Superior are greater than 2,500 Ma and hence, the province is of Archean age), both radiometrically and structurally, and consists of many types of metasediments and several types of metavolcanics intruded by a variety of igneous bodies. The Southern Province, which rests unconformably (with a fossil soil) on the Superior, consists mostly of folded metasediments intruded by some granites and is middle to early Proterozoic in age (all isotopic ages are between 2,500 and 1,800 Ma). The Grenville, located in southern Ontario, is the youngest of the three Provinces and is late Proterozoic (all isotopic ages are between 1,500 and 900 Ma). It consists mostly of deformed metasediments in the north, a large metamorphosed intrusive gneiss complex (called the Algonquin Batholith) in the middle, and the Grenville Supergroup in the south. The Grenville Supergroup, which contains Gentry's locations. consists of metasediments (mostly limestone which has been metamorphosed into marble) and metavolcanics all intruded by igneous bodies of various types.

Figure 5 diagrammatically shows the geological relationships of part of the Shield and the location of Gentry’s Faraday samples. Let me emphasize that these relationships are not based primarily on some ill-defined "uniformitarian principle" but on hard-won field observations over more than 100 years of work by hundreds of geologists. At the bottom-left of the figure is a block diagram of Figure 4. The pegmatite dikes in the area cut a gabbro (shown at the bottom right), which cuts different types of metasedimentary rocks. In the Madoc area south of Bancroft (middle block), the metasedimentary rocks can be shown to rest in a complex way on metavolcanics. The supergroup, in turn, rests unconformably on the metamorphosed Algonquin Batholith, which intrudes the deep- and shallow-water metasediments to the north (top block), which abuts (by a major fault) and partly rests on the metasedimentary column of the Southern Province, which rests unconformably on the "greenstone" metasediments and metavolcanics intruded by granites, which abuts the metasedimentary and gneissic belts to the north in the Superior Province. So, if Gentry’s claim of created granite is valid, then the entire sequence also must have been instantly created -" in just three brief minutes." This is not science, but merely a monumental example of the Omphalos argument.

What is also interesting is that Gentry has been told in the past, in a general way, that granites are intrusive rocks and that the oldest rocks on Earth are sedimentary and volcanic (Awbery, personal communication, 1987, Dalrymple, personal communication, 1986; and letter to Gentry, April 1987). Gentry has invariably shrugged off the comments or claimed he had an answer (but one which has never been given).

In his book Gentry talks of "pristine sedimentary" created rocks which look as though they were intruded by granites. When Gentry phoned me (unfortunately, Gentry has never responded to my letters in any manner other than with phone calls) after I sent him a copy of this paper in preliminary form, I asked him about these sedimentary rocks. He claimed that metasedimentary rocks show no clear origin because of their recrystallization. Because his response was so patently false, I told him that many of these metasedimentary rocks show clear and unambiguous sedimentary features, like clastic grains, cobbles, ripple marks, mudcracks, bedding plains and, most important, stromatolites. He had no answer.

In the phone conversation I had with Gentry in March, he claimed that all of the rocks of the Shield could have been formed on the first day of creation. Here are some excerpts from his book on this point.

"…only a few minutes elapsed time from nucleosynthesis to the formation of the solid earth.... a virtually instantaneous creation at the earth." (1986, p 49)

"These [Po containing] granites would have been created instantly and yet still show the characteristic of rocks that crystallized from a liquid or melt." (p. 129)

"...the primordial Earth being called into existence on Day 1 of creation week about 6000 years ago ... The Precambrian granites show evidence of an instantaneous creation..." (p 184)

"... the Precambrian granites are identified as rocks that were created almost instantly as part of the creation event recorded in Genesis 1:1." (p. 280)

Since his dikes are demonstrably the last rocks to form in the Shield then, by his reasoning, the entire Shield must have been "instantly created." Omphalos again.


