Science Teaching Series

Internet Resources

I. Developing Scientific Literacy

II. Developing Scientific Reasoning

III. Developing Scientific Understanding

IV. Developing Scientific Problem Solving

V. Developing Scientific Research Skills

VI. Resources for Teaching Science

Free Anti-Virus Software
For the protection of your personal computer as well as the university's technology infrastructure services, all computers connected to the campus networking infrastructure (including from an off-campus computer that connects remotely to CSUN's networking infrastructure via wireless, VPN, or dialup) are required to have an updated antivirus client installed. Beginning January 31, 2005 faculty, staff, and students who don't already have an updated antivirus client installed on their personal laptop or home computer can visit the campus web portal and download a free copy of Symantec Antivirus Corporate Edition 9.0.

With updated antivirus software installed, your computer will be much less likely to be infected by a software virus which can harm your personal/ work documents as well as the university network.

Symantec Antivirus Corporate edition 9.0
Software download and installation instructions

Student email
Email is the official form of campus communication, students are responsible for activating and maintaining their campus email account so that they can receive messages from professors, Financial Aid, registration, course changes, etc. If students prefer to use Hotmail, Yahoo or another non-CSUN email account to receive email, they can configure their CSUN account to automatically forward email to their preferred account.

Students can find information on how to activate their CSUN User ID online, and can configure mail forwarding by visiting the Campus Account Utility located at

Questions regarding either of these services should be directed to the University Help Desk at campus ext. 1400 or by email to