SED 555 Requirements
Weekly expectations
- Attend all weekly seminars at CSUN and participate in discussion. Participate in all QuickWrites. Your attendance is registered by your participation in the class QuickWrites.
- Come prepared every week to share something that you have found particularly useful or successful during the past week. This may include such things as: demonstrations, experiments, explanations of difficult. concepts, games, group activities, handouts, management techniques, and resources.
- Come prepared every week to share something that you found particularly difficult or challenging (or a question you have) during the past week.
- Present demonstrations, activities, experiments and other teaching ideas on a regular basis as requested.
Pre-TE video - sharing with supervisor
- Video yourself teaching prior to your teaching event. Compress the videotape and place as a private video in your Picasa Account. Set the privileges so only your supervisor and Seminar professor can see the video. Select the 'Private' option to set the highest level of privacy for your album -- you specify exactly who has permission to view private albums, and those viewers must sign in to their Google Accounts to verify their identities. Users without a Google Account will be prompted to create one. Anyone not included on the album's "Shared with" access list will be unable to view the album.
Formal Presentation of portion of your Teaching Event (TE) - Sign up
- Make a 15-20 minute presentation of the portion of your Teaching Event that you plan to video. Please note the requirements of PACT
Science - The first clip should illustrate how you facilitated your students' engagement in meaningful scientific thinking while they are collecting data or selecting data collected by others during a scientific inquiry. The second clip should illustrate how you actively engaged students in analyzing, interpreting, and synthesizing the results of that inquiry. The clips should include interactions between and among you and your students and your responses to student comments, questions, and needs.
Health - The first clip should illustrate how you provide information or demonstrate social skill strategies that prepare students for an activity (e.g., role play, analysis of food labels) aimed at understanding the effects of specific behaviors on health or well-being. The second clip should illustrate how you actively engage students in debriefing the activity and drawing conclusions about how specific behaviors might impact health or well-being. The clips should include interactions between and among you and your students and your responses to student comments, questions, and needs.
Visit Potential Master Teachers for second semester (554 students only)
- The purpose of this assignment is to insure that you get an optimal student teaching placement for 555. Note. You do not need to do this if you are taking 525S concurrently as it is a requirement of 525.
Summative Assessment
- Complete prePACT TE (554) or PACT TE (555)