Science Teaching Series

Internet Resources

I. Developing Scientific Literacy

II. Developing Scientific Reasoning

III. Developing Scientific Understanding

IV. Developing Scientific Problem Solving

V. Developing Scientific Research Skills

VI. Resources for Teaching Science

Books for SED 525 - Methods of Teaching Science


The Sourcebook for Teaching Science - This book was written primarily for this class and is now probably the most widely used book in the field of science teacher preparation. Please note that the chapter headings on the sidebar correspond to the chapters in the book. The sidebar provides extensions to the readings. There will be reading from this book each week. The Sourcebook is available at the Matador Bookstore or numerous online book companies.

The California Science Safety Handbook -Download this pdf book. (right click to download as pdf).

California Science Content Standards - Download the science or health standards


Hands-On Chemistry Activities with Real-Life Applications - Some of the instructor demonstrations will be from this book. Many inexpensive and simple ideas for teaching chemistry concepts for either middle or high school physical science, or high school chemistry. Hands-On Chemistry is available at the Matador Bookstore or numerous online book companies.

Hands-On Physics Activities with Real-Life Applications - Some of the instructor demonstrations will be from this book. Many inexpensive and simple ideas for teaching physics concepts for either middle or high school physical science, or high school physics. Hands-On Physics is available at the Matador Bookstore or numerous online book companies.