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Herr, Foley, Rivas.  (2013). Continuous Formative Assessment During Science Instruction.
ASTE E-Learn Conference, Charleston, South Carolina

Herr, Foley (2012). Southern California American Association of Physics Teachers; CSUN
The use of collaborative web-based documents to create scientific research communities in physics classrooms.

Herr, Foley, Rivas, d'Alessio, Vandergon, Simila, Nguyen-Graff, Postma (2012). Using Cloud-Based Collaborative Documents to Perform Continuous Formative Assessment During Instruction. Proceedings of AACE E-Learn Conference. Montréal, Canada, October 9-12, 2012.

Herr, Norm. (2012). Computer Supported Collaborative Learning. The China Institute., CSUN.
September 7: China Institute - Nanjing University of Science & Technology  Scholars,

Herr, N. (2011). Computer Supported Collaborative Physics. American Association of Physics Teachers, Southern California Section November 5, 2011. California State University, Dominguez Hills.

Herr,N., Rivas, M., Foley, B. (2011). Using Collaborative Web-Based Documents to Instantly Collect and Analyze Whole-Class Data. Cyberlearning Tools for STEM Education Conference, Berkeley, CA. March 8-9, 2011.

Herr, Norman, Mike Rivas, Brian Foley, Virginia Vandergon,and Gerry Simila (2011) Using Collaborative Web-based documents to Instantly Collect and Analyze Whole Class Data. Proceedings of the 9th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education, January 3-7, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Herr, N. (2011). Computer Supported Collaborative Physics. American Association of Physics Teachers, Southern California Section November 5, 2011. California State University, Dominguez Hills.

Herr,N., Rivas, M., Foley, B. (2011). Using Collaborative Web-Based Documents to Instantly Collect and Analyze Whole-Class Data. Cyberlearning Tools for STEM Education Conference, Berkeley, CA. March 8-9, 2011.

Herr, Norman, Mike Rivas, Brian Foley, Virginia Vandergon,and Gerry Simila (2011) Using Collaborative Web-based documents to Instantly Collect and Analyze Whole Class Data. Proceedings of the 9th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education, January 3-7, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Herr, Norman, Mike Rivas, Brian Foley, Virginia Vandergon, Gerry Simil, Matthew d'Alessio, and Henk Potsma (2011) Computer Supported Collaborative Education - Strategies for Using Collaborative Web-Based Technologies to Engage All Learners. Proceedings of the 9th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education, January 3-7, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Herr, Norman and Mike Rivas (2010). Teaching the Nature of Scientific Research by Collecting and Analyzing Whole-Class Data Using Collaborative Web-Based Documents. Proceedings of the Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, October 18-22, 2010, Orlando, Florida.

Herr, Norman and Mike Rivas (2010) The use of collaborative web-based documents and websites to build scientific research communities in science classrooms. Proceedings of the 8th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education, January 7-10, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Herr, Norman (2010) Instructional Resources for the Teaching of Secondary School Science  - Application of Research Findings to the Teaching of Inquiry-Based Science. . Proceedings of the 8th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education, January 7-10, Honolulu, Hawaii (abstract)