@ACL900 ^LAYOUT Dept 26 D.T, Dept ASCII 1 2 AS "Dept.;Code" WIDTH 4 DEPARTMENT CODE DeptDesc ASCII 4 20 AS "Dept.;Name" ^LAYOUT Sales_Reps 103 D.T, Sales_Rep_No ASCII 1 5 AS "Sales Rep.;Number" WIDTH 10 FirstName EBCDIC 6 13 AS "First;Name" LastName EBCDIC 19 16 AS "Last;Name" Sales_Rep_Address EBCDIC 35 30 AS "Sales Rep.;Address" Sales_Rep_City EBCDIC 65 24 AS "Sales Rep. ;City" Sales_Rep_State ASCII 89 5 AS "Sales Rep.;State" WIDTH 10 STATE Sales_Rep_Zip EBCDIC 94 5 AS "Sales Rep.;Zip Code" WIDTH 10 YTD_Sales PACKED 99 5 2 PICTURE "(9,999,999.99)" AS "YTD;Sales" ^LAYOUT Empmast 236 D.T, Empno EBCDIC 1 6 AS "Employee;Number" WIDTH 8 First EBCDIC 7 25 AS "First;Name" WIDTH 15 Last EBCDIC 32 25 AS "Last;Name" WIDTH 20 Address EBCDIC 57 35 City EBCDIC 92 35 State_Province EBCDIC 127 25 AS "State or;Province" Country EBCDIC 152 25 Code EBCDIC 177 2 AS "Country;Code" WIDTH 7 WorkDept EBCDIC 179 3 AS "Work;Dept." WIDTH 5 PhoneNo EBCDIC 182 4 AS "Phone;Number" WIDTH 7 HireDate DATE 186 10 PICTURE "MM/DD/YYYY" AS "Date;Hired" Job EBCDIC 196 8 AS "Job;Desc." EdLevel BINARY 204 2 0 AS "Education;Level" Sex EBCDIC 206 1 WIDTH 3 Birthdate DATE 207 10 PICTURE "MM/DD/YYYY" WIDTH 10 Salary PACKED 217 5 2 PICTURE "(9,999,999.99)" Bonus PACKED 222 5 2 PICTURE "(9,999,999.99)" Comm PACKED 227 5 2 PICTURE "(9,999,999.99)" AS "Commission" Pay_Per_Period PACKED 232 5 2 PICTURE "(9,999,999.99)" AS "Pay;Per;Period" ^LAYOUT Work_Depts 23 D.T, Work_Dept ASCII 1 3 AS "Work;Dept." WIDTH 5 Dept_Name ASCII 4 20 AS "Dept.;Name" WIDTH 23 ^LAYOUT Ap_Trans 59 D.T, !"Vendor" "Vendor_on_Vendor_No" AT (6,193,94,105,10,10,94,105) Vendor_No Vendor_No ASCII 1 5 AS "Vendor;Number" WIDTH 7 Invoice_No ASCII 6 15 AS "Invoice;Number" Invoice_Date DATE 21 8 PICTURE "MM/DD/YY" AS "Invoice;Date" WIDTH 8 Invoice_Amount NUMERIC 29 12 2 PICTURE "(9,999,999.99)" AS "Invoice;Amount" WIDTH 12 Prodno ASCII 41 9 AS "Product;Number" Quantity MICRO 50 4 0 PICTURE "(9,999,999)" Unit_Cost NUMERIC 54 6 2 PICTURE "(9,999,999)" AS "Unit;Cost" SUPPRESS ^LAYOUT Vendor 148 D.T, Vendor_No ASCII 1 5 AS "Vendor;Number" WIDTH 7 Vendor_Name ASCII 6 40 AS "Vendor;Name" WIDTH 35 Vendor_Street ASCII 46 40 AS "Vendor;Street" WIDTH 35 Vendor_City ASCII 86 40 AS "Vendor;City" WIDTH 30 Vendor_State ASCII 126 2 AS "Vendor;State" WIDTH 7 Vendor_ZIP ASCII 128 5 AS "Vendor;Zip Code" WIDTH 8 Vendor_Last_Active DATE 133 8 PICTURE "MM/DD/YY" AS "Vendor Last;Active Date" Vendor_Review_Date DATE 141 8 PICTURE "MM/DD/YY" AS "Vendor;Review;Date" WIDTH 10 ^LAYOUT Inventory 97 D,T. ProdNo ASCII 1 9 AS "Product;Number" ProdCls ASCII 1 2 AS "Product;Class" WIDTH 7 Location ASCII 10 2 WIDTH 8 ProdDesc ASCII 12 24 AS "Product;Description" ProdStat ASCII 36 1 AS "Product;Status" WIDTH 7 UnCst NUMERIC 37 6 2 PICTURE "(9.999.999,99)" AS "Unit;Cost" SUPPRESS CstDte DATE 43 6 PICTURE "YYMMDD" AS "Cost;Date" WIDTH 10 SalePr NUMERIC 49 6 2 PICTURE "(9.999.999,99)" AS "Sale;Price" SUPPRESS PrcDte DATE 55 6 PICTURE "YYMMDD" AS "Price;Date" WIDTH 10 QtyOH NUMERIC 61 5 0 PICTURE "(9.999.999)" AS "Quantity;On Hand" MinQty NUMERIC 66 5 0 PICTURE "(9.999.999)" AS "Re-Order;Point" QtyOO NUMERIC 71 5 0 PICTURE "(9.999.999)" AS "Quantity;On Order" Value ZONED 76 10 2 PICTURE "(9.999.999,99)" AS "Inventory;Value;at Cost" MktVal ZONED 86 10 2 PICTURE "(9.999.999,99)" AS "Market;Value" ^LAYOUT Trans 32 D,T. Invoice ASCII 1 5 AS "Invoice;Number" WIDTH 7 INVOICE NUMBER Date DATE 6 6 PICTURE "YYMMDD" AS "Invoice;Date" WIDTH 10 Prodno ASCII 12 9 AS "Product;Number" PRODUCT NUMBER Prodcls ASCII 12 2 AS "Product ;Class" WIDTH 7 PRODUCT CLASS Qty NUMERIC 21 4 0 PICTURE "(9.999.999)" AS "Quantity" WIDTH 9 QUANTITY Amount NUMERIC 25 8 2 PICTURE "(9.999.999,99)" AS "Invoice;Amount" INVOICE AMOUNT ^LAYOUT Ar 40 D,T. No ASCII 1 6 AS "Cust;Number" WIDTH 7 CUSTOMER NUMBER Date DATE 7 8 PICTURE "YYYYMMDD" AS "Invoice;Date" WIDTH 10 Due DATE 15 8 PICTURE "YYYYMMDD" AS "Due;Date" WIDTH 10 Ref ASCII 23 6 AS "Ref;No" REFERENCE NUMBER Type ASCII 29 2 AS "Trans;Type" WIDTH 5 TRANSACTION TYPE Amount NUMERIC 31 10 2 PICTURE "(9.999.999,99)" AS "Trans;Amount" WIDTH 10 TRANSACTION AMOUNT ^LAYOUT Customer 95 D,T. No ASCII 1 6 AS "Cust;No" CUSTOMER NUMBER Name ASCII 7 25 CUSTOMER NAME Address ASCII 32 25 AS "Street;Address" STREET ADDRESS City ASCII 57 15 CITY State ASCII 72 5 STATE Zip ASCII 77 7 AS "Zip;Code" ZIP CODE Limit NUMERIC 84 7 0 PICTURE "(9.999.999,99)" AS "Credit;Limit" SUPPRESS CREDIT LIMIT Sales_Rep_No ASCII 91 5 AS "Sales Rep;Number" WIDTH 10 ^LAYOUT Payroll 47 D,T. !"Work_Depts" "Work_Depts_on_Work_Dept" WorkDept EmpNo EBCDIC 1 6 AS "Employee;Number" WIDTH 8 Gross_Pay PACKED 7 9 2 PICTURE "(9.999.999,99)" AS "Gross;Pay" WIDTH 15 Tax_Amount PACKED 16 9 2 PICTURE "(9.999.999,99)" AS "Taxable;Amount" WIDTH 15 Net_Pay PACKED 25 9 2 PICTURE "(9.999.999,99)" AS "Net;Pay" WIDTH 15 WorkDept EBCDIC 34 3 AS "Work;Dept." WIDTH 5 Pay_Date DATE 37 6 PICTURE "DDMMYY" AS "Pay;Date" WIDTH 10 Cheque_No EBCDIC 43 5 AS "Cheque;Number" WIDTH 7 ^LAYOUT Badfile 77 D.T, InvoiceNo ASCII 1 6 AS "Invoice;Number" WIDTH 7 INVOICE NUMBER Prodno ASCII 7 9 AS "Product;Number" PRODUCT NUMBER Price NUMERIC 30 14 3 PICTURE "(9,999,999.99)" AS "Sale;Price" WIDTH 9 SUPPRESS UNIT SALE PRICE OrderQty NUMERIC 44 9 0 PICTURE "(9,999,999)" AS "Order;Qty" WIDTH 6 QUANTITY ORDERED ShipQty NUMERIC 53 9 0 PICTURE "(9,999,999)" AS "Ship;Qty" WIDTH 6 QUANTITY SHIPPED Total NUMERIC 62 14 2 PICTURE "(9,999,999.99)" AS "Extended;Price" WIDTH 9 EXTENDED PRICE ^LAYOUT Demo 80 D.T, Type EBCDIC 1 1 WIDTH 4 Date DATE 2 6 PICTURE "YYMMDD" WIDTH 10 Co EBCDIC 8 2 AS "Company" WIDTH 8 Br EBCDIC 10 2 AS "Branch" WIDTH 6 Dp EBCDIC 12 2 Gl EBCDIC 14 3 Batch EBCDIC 17 5 Misc EBCDIC 22 6 Amount ZONED 28 11 2 PICTURE "(9,999,999.99)" ^FOLDER Tables 1 [PARENT_FOLDER_ID] 0 ^FOLDER Scripts 2 [PARENT_FOLDER_ID] 0 ^FOLDER Workspaces 3 [PARENT_FOLDER_ID] 0 ^REPORT Default_View Ar D.T, [SKIP] 0 [TLINES] 1 [RLINES] 1 [LINE] 1 No WIDTH 7 PICTURE "" Date WIDTH 10 PICTURE "YYYYMMDD" Due WIDTH 10 PICTURE "YYYYMMDD" Ref WIDTH 6 PICTURE "" Type WIDTH 5 PICTURE "" Amount WIDTH 10 PICTURE "(9,999,999.99)" ^REPORT Default_View Customer D.T, [SKIP] 0 [TLINES] 1 [RLINES] 1 [LINE] 1 No WIDTH 6 PICTURE "" Name WIDTH 25 PICTURE "" Address WIDTH 25 PICTURE "" City WIDTH 15 PICTURE "" State WIDTH 5 PICTURE "" Zip WIDTH 7 PICTURE "" Limit WIDTH 10 PICTURE "(9,999,999.99)" SUPPRESS Sales_Rep_No WIDTH 10 PICTURE "" ^REPORT Default_View Demo D.T, [SKIP] 0 [TLINES] 1 [RLINES] 1 [LINE] 1 Type WIDTH 4 PICTURE "" Date WIDTH 10 PICTURE "YYMMDD" Co WIDTH 8 PICTURE "" Br WIDTH 6 PICTURE "" Dp WIDTH 2 PICTURE "" Gl WIDTH 3 PICTURE "" Batch WIDTH 5 PICTURE "" Amount WIDTH 16 PICTURE "(9,999,999.99)" Misc WIDTH 6 PICTURE "" ^REPORT Default_View Empmast D.T, [SKIP] 0 [TLINES] 1 [RLINES] 1 [LINE] 1 Empno WIDTH 8 PICTURE "" First WIDTH 15 PICTURE "" Last WIDTH 20 PICTURE "" Address WIDTH 35 PICTURE "" City WIDTH 35 PICTURE "" State_Province WIDTH 25 PICTURE "" Country WIDTH 25 PICTURE "" Code WIDTH 7 PICTURE "" WorkDept WIDTH 5 PICTURE "" PhoneNo WIDTH 7 PICTURE "" HireDate WIDTH 12 PICTURE "MM/DD/YYYY" Job WIDTH 8 PICTURE "" EdLevel WIDTH 10 PICTURE "" Sex WIDTH 3 PICTURE "" Birthdate WIDTH 10 PICTURE "MM/DD/YYYY" Salary WIDTH 14 PICTURE "(9,999,999.99)" Bonus WIDTH 14 PICTURE "(9,999,999.99)" Comm WIDTH 14 PICTURE "(9,999,999.99)" Pay_Per_Period WIDTH 14 PICTURE "(9,999,999.99)" ^REPORT Default_View Sales_Reps D.T, [SKIP] 0 [TLINES] 1 [RLINES] 1 [LINE] 1 Sales_Rep_No WIDTH 10 PICTURE "" FirstName WIDTH 13 PICTURE "" LastName WIDTH 16 PICTURE "" Sales_Rep_Address WIDTH 30 PICTURE "" Sales_Rep_City WIDTH 24 PICTURE "" Sales_Rep_State WIDTH 10 PICTURE "" Sales_Rep_Zip WIDTH 10 PICTURE "" YTD_Sales WIDTH 14 PICTURE "(9,999,999.99)" ^REPORT Default_View Trans D.T, [SKIP] 0 [TLINES] 1 [RLINES] 1 [LINE] 1 Invoice WIDTH 7 PICTURE "" Prodno WIDTH 9 PICTURE "" Prodcls WIDTH 7 PICTURE "" Qty WIDTH 9 PICTURE "(9,999,999)" Amount WIDTH 12 PICTURE "(9,999,999.99)" Date WIDTH 10 PICTURE "YYMMDD" ^REPORT Default_View Vendor D.T, [SKIP] 0 [TLINES] 1 [RLINES] 1 [LINE] 1 Vendor_No WIDTH 7 PICTURE "" Vendor_Name WIDTH 35 PICTURE "" Vendor_Street WIDTH 35 PICTURE "" Vendor_City WIDTH 30 PICTURE "" Vendor_State WIDTH 7 PICTURE "" Vendor_ZIP WIDTH 8 PICTURE "" Vendor_Last_Active WIDTH 12 PICTURE "MM/DD/YY" Vendor_Review_Date WIDTH 10 PICTURE "MM/DD/YY" ^REPORT Default_View Dept D.T, [SKIP] 0 [TLINES] 1 [RLINES] 1 [LINE] 1 Dept WIDTH 4 PICTURE "" DeptDesc WIDTH 20 PICTURE "" ^REPORT Default_View Work_Depts D.T, [SKIP] 0 [TLINES] 1 [RLINES] 1 [LINE] 1 Work_Dept WIDTH 5 PICTURE "" Dept_Name WIDTH 23 PICTURE "" ^FORMAT Demo Demo "" "Demo.fil" 0 [PARENT_FOLDER_ID] 1 [LASTVIEW] "Default_View" ^REPORT Default_View Inventory D.T, [SKIP] 0 [TLINES] 3 [RLINES] 1 [LINE] 1 ProdNo PICTURE "" ProdCls PICTURE "" Location PICTURE "" ProdDesc PICTURE "" ProdStat PICTURE "" UnCst PICTURE "(9,999,999.99)" SUPPRESS CstDte PICTURE "YYMMDD" SalePr PICTURE "(9,999,999.99)" SUPPRESS PrcDte PICTURE "YYMMDD" QtyOH PICTURE "(9,999,999)" MinQty PICTURE "(9,999,999)" QtyOO PICTURE "(9,999,999)" Value PICTURE "(9,999,999.99)" MktVal PICTURE "(9,999,999.99)" ^WINDOWS 2 1 782 447 235 0 804 322 235 322 804 466 10 10 100 100 16 15 616 393 -1 -1 236 466 9 9 9 9 9 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 ^FOLDER Payroll_Analysis 1045857306 [PARENT_FOLDER_ID] 1 ^FORMAT Dept Dept "" "Dept.fil" 0 [PARENT_FOLDER_ID] 1045857306 [LASTVIEW] "Default_View" ^FORMAT Empmast Empmast "" "Empmast.fil" 0 [PARENT_FOLDER_ID] 1045857306 ~.10/10/2000 15:36:16 empmast OPEN sample_eb SECONDARY ~.10/10/2000 15:36:16 empmast JOIN PKEY record_nomr FIELDS EMPNO WORKDEPT PHONENO HIREDATE JOB EDLEVEL SEX BIRTHDATE SALARY BONUS COMM PAY_PER_PERIOD SKEY recnumb WITH First_Name_U Last_Name_U Address_Upper City_U State_Province_U Country_U Country_Code TO "join_empmast" OPEN ~Input : Records:42 Control Total:0 ~Output: Records:42 Control Total:0 ~.10/10/2000 15:37:37 join_empmast EXTRACT FIELDS EMPNO First_Name_U Last_Name_U Address_Upper City_U State_Province_U Country_U Country_Code WORKDEPT PHONENO HIREDATE JOB EDLEVEL SEX BIRTHDATE SALARY BONUS COMM PAY_PER_PERIOD TO "empmast_2" OPEN ~Input : Records:42 Control Total:0 ~Output: Records:42 Control Total:0 [LASTVIEW] "Default_View" ^FORMAT Work_Depts Work_Depts "" "Work_Depts.fil" 0 [PARENT_FOLDER_ID] 1045857306 [LASTVIEW] "Default_View" ^FOLDER Inventory_Review 1045857337 [PARENT_FOLDER_ID] 1 ^FOLDER Accounts_Receivable_Audit 1045857484 [PARENT_FOLDER_ID] 1 ^FOLDER Accounts_Payable 1045857648 [PARENT_FOLDER_ID] 1 ^FORMAT Ap_Trans Ap_Trans "" "Ap_Trans.fil" 0 [PARENT_FOLDER_ID] 1045857648 [LASTVIEW] "Default_View" ^FORMAT Vendor Vendor "" "Vendor.fil" 0 [PARENT_FOLDER_ID] 1045857648 ~.10/10/00 12:02:35 vendor EXTRACT FIELDS VENDOR_NO VENDOR_NAME VENDOR_STREET VENDOR_CITY VENDOR_STATE VENDOR_ZIP NEW_VENDOR_LAST_ACTIVE VENDOR_REVIEW_DATE TO "NEW_VENDOR" OPEN ~Input : Records:50 Control Total:0 ~Output: Records:50 Control Total:0 [LASTVIEW] "Default_View" ^FORMAT Sales_Reps Sales_Reps "" "Sales_Reps.fil" 0 [PARENT_FOLDER_ID] 1045857306 [LASTVIEW] "Default_View" ^WKSPACE This_is_an_example_only [PARENT_FOLDER_ID] 3 ^FOLDER Inventory_Tests 1045858392 [PARENT_FOLDER_ID] 1045857337 ^FORMAT Inventory Inventory "" "Inventory.fil" 0 [PARENT_FOLDER_ID] 1045857337 [LASTVIEW] "Default_View" ^REPORT Summary_Report Accounts_Receivable_Month D.T, [SKIP] 0 [FONT] NT_01/-12/0/0/0/400/0/0/0/0/3/2/1/34/Arial [FONT_TITLES] NT_01/-12/0/0/0/400/0/0/0/0/3/2/1/34/Arial [FONT_TOTALS] NT_01/-12/0/0/0/400/0/0/0/0/3/2/1/34/Arial [FONT_HEADER] NT_01/-12/0/0/0/400/0/0/0/0/3/2/1/34/Arial [FONT_FOOTER] NT_01/-12/0/0/0/400/0/0/0/0/3/2/1/34/Arial [TLINES] 2 [RLINES] 1 [LINE] 1 No WIDTH 12 PICTURE "" Customer.Name WIDTH 26 PICTURE "" Customer.Sales_Rep_No WIDTH 13 PICTURE "" Due WIDTH 11 Date WIDTH 13 Ref WIDTH 7 PICTURE "" Amount WIDTH 15 PICTURE "(9,999,999.99)" Type WIDTH 11 PICTURE "" ^FOLDER AR_Test_Scripts 1045859427 [PARENT_FOLDER_ID] 1045857484 ^FORMAT Customer Customer "" "Customer.fil" 0 [PARENT_FOLDER_ID] 1045857484 [LASTVIEW] "Default_View" ^FORMAT Trans Trans "" "Trans.fil" 0 [PARENT_FOLDER_ID] 1045857484 [LASTVIEW] "Default_View" ^REPORT Default_View Payroll D.T, [SKIP] 0 [TLINES] 2 [RLINES] 1 [LINE] 1 EmpNo PICTURE "" WorkDept PICTURE "" Gross_Pay PICTURE "(9,999,999.99)" Tax_Amount PICTURE "(9,999,999.99)" Net_Pay PICTURE "(9,999,999.99)" Pay_Date Cheque_No PICTURE "" ^REPORT High_Rollers Payroll D.T, [SKIP] 0 [TLINES] 2 [RLINES] 1 [LINE] 1 EmpNo PICTURE "" WorkDept PICTURE "" Work_Depts.Dept_Name WIDTH 7 PICTURE "" Gross_Pay PICTURE "(9,999,999.99)" Tax_Amount PICTURE "(9,999,999.99)" Net_Pay PICTURE "(9,999,999.99)" Pay_Date Cheque_No PICTURE "" ^INDEX Vendor_on_Vendor_No Vendor "" "Vendor_on_Vendor_No.INX" *INDEX ON Vendor_No TO "Vendor_on_Vendor_No" ^REPORT Default_View Ap_Trans D.T, [SKIP] 0 [TLINES] 2 [RLINES] 1 [LINE] 1 Vendor_No PICTURE "" Vendor.Vendor_Name WIDTH 24 PICTURE "" Vendor.Vendor_City WIDTH 14 PICTURE "" Invoice_No PICTURE "" Invoice_Date WIDTH 12 Invoice_Amount PICTURE "(9,999,999.99)" Prodno PICTURE "" Quantity PICTURE "(9,999,999)" Unit_Cost PICTURE "(9,999,999)" SUPPRESS [PARENT_FOLDER_ID] 0 ^INDEX Work_Depts_on_Work_Dept Work_Depts "" "Work_Depts_on_Work_Dept.INX" *INDEX ON Work_Dept TO "Work_Depts_on_Work_Dept" ^INDEX Customer_on_No Customer "" "Customer_on_No.INX" *INDEX ON No TO "Customer_on_No" ^REPORT Summary Accounts_Receivable_Month D.T, [SKIP] 0 [TLINES] 1 [RLINES] 1 [LINE] 1 Amount WIDTH 14 PICTURE "(9,999,999.99)" Date WIDTH 10 Due WIDTH 10 No WIDTH 7 PICTURE "" Ref WIDTH 6 PICTURE "" Type WIDTH 5 PICTURE "" ^BATCH Calculate_Median_Value [PARENT_FOLDER_ID] 2 Comment ** NOTICE: ** ACL provides the attached script "as is" and free of charge. ** ACL makes no warranties or representations with respect to ** the script, including its quality or fitness for a particular ** purpose. You understand and acknowledge that you assume all ** risk of loss or damages which may arise from your use or ** inability to use the script. END Comment ***** This will allow the batch to overwrite previous results. SET SAFETY OFF Comment ***** Prompt for the Table name and numeric field name. Accept "Select Table Name" FIELDS "xf" TO V_IFDNAME OPEN %V_IFDNAME% ACCEPT "Select Numeric Field Name" FIELDS "N" TO V_NFieldName Comment ***** Sort the file on the numeric field and count the number of written records. SORT ON %V_NFieldName% TO "TempFile" OPEN v_Records=WRITE1 Comment ***** Locate the Median value for an odd number of values and display it. LOCATE RECORD v_Records/2 IF MOD(v_Records 2)=1 PAUSE "Median value: "+ALLTRIM(STR(%V_NFieldName% 12)) Comment ***** Locate the second record for the Median value for an even number of values, calculate and display it. v_First=%V_NFieldName% IF MOD(v_Records 2)=0 LOCATE RECORD (v_Records/2)+1 IF MOD(v_Records 2)=0 v_Median=(%V_NFieldName%+v_First)/2.00 IF MOD(v_Records 2)=0 PAUSE "Median value: "+ALLTRIM(STR(v_Median 12)) Comment ***** Open the original file and delete the temporary files produced. OPEN %V_IFDNAME% DELETE "TempFile.FIL" OK DELETE FORMAT TempFile OK SET SAFETY ON ^BATCH Accounts_Receivable_Sample [PARENT_FOLDER_ID] 1045859427 Comment ** NOTICE: ** ACL provides the attached script "as is" and free of charge. ** ACL makes no warranties or representations with respect to ** the script, including its quality or fitness for a particular ** purpose. You understand and acknowledge that you assume all ** risk of loss or damages which may arise from your use or ** inability to use the script. END SET SAFETY OFF SET FOLDER /Tables/Accounts_Receivable_Analysis/AR_Confirmation_Letters OPEN Ar DEFINE REPORT Default_View STATISTICS ON Due Date Amount STD TO SCREEN NUMBER 5 SAMPLE ON Amount INTERVAL 25000 FIXED 234 FIELDS No Due Date Ref Amount Type TO "Accounts Receivable Month" OPEN OPEN Customer SECONDARY CLOSE SECONDARY DEFINE RELATION No WITH Customer INDEX Customer_on_No DEFINE REPORT Summary Report SET SAFETY ON ^BATCH AR_Confirmation_Letters [PARENT_FOLDER_ID] 1045859427 Comment ** NOTICE: ** ACL provides the attached script "as is" and free of charge. ** ACL makes no warranties or representations with respect to ** the script, including its quality or fitness for a particular ** purpose. You understand and acknowledge that you assume all ** risk of loss or damages which may arise from your use or ** inability to use the script. END OPEN trans SET SAFETY OFF SET FOLDER /Tables/Accounts_Receivable_Analysis/AR_Confirmation_Letters OPEN ar SUMMARIZE ON no SUBTOTAL amount TO "AR Summarised.FIL" OPEN PRESORT STATISTICS ON amount COUNT TO SCREEN NUMBER 5 SAMPLE ON amount INTERVAL 1166666 FIXED 123 CUTOFF 10000 RECORD TO "AR Sample" OPEN OPEN customer SECONDARY JOIN PKEY no FIELDS no amount COUNT SKEY NO WITH NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP TO "Confirmation Letter Addresses" OPEN PRESORT SECSORT OPEN "Confirmation_Letter_Addresses" SET FOLDER ^BATCH Negative_Inventory_Cost [PARENT_FOLDER_ID] 1045858392 Comment ** NOTICE: ** ACL provides the attached script "as is" and free of charge. ** ACL makes no warranties or representations with respect to ** the script, including its quality or fitness for a particular ** purpose. You understand and acknowledge that you assume all ** risk of loss or damages which may arise from your use or ** inability to use the script. END SET SAFETY OFF SET FOLDER /Tables/Inventory_Review/Inventory_Exception_Report OPEN Inventory TOTAL FIELDS Value MktVal QtyOH QtyOO MinQty SalePr UnCst PROFILE FIELDS Value MktVal QtyOH QtyOO MinQty SalePr UnCst STATISTICS ON MktVal STD TO SCREEN NUMBER 5 STRATIFY ON QtyOH SUBTOTAL MktVal INTERVALS 10 TO SCREEN SET FILTER TO QtyOH >= -12 AND QtyOH <= 7089 COUNT SET FILTER TO QtyOH >= -12 AND QtyOH <= 7089 and UnCst<0 EXTRACT FIELDS CstDte Value Location MktVal PrcDte ProdCls ProdDesc ProdNo ProdStat QtyOH QtyOO MinQty SalePr UnCst TO "Negative Inventory Values" OPEN ^BATCH Payroll_test [PARENT_FOLDER_ID] 1045857306 Comment ** NOTICE: ** ACL provides the attached script "as is" and free of charge. ** ACL makes no warranties or representations with respect to ** the script, including its quality or fitness for a particular ** purpose. You understand and acknowledge that you assume all ** risk of loss or damages which may arise from your use or ** inability to use the script. END SET SESSION Formal Payroll Audit SET FOLDER /Tables/Payroll_Analysis/Payroll_Exception_Report SET SAFETY Off OPEN Payroll DEFINE REPORT Default_View PROFILE FIELDS Gross_Pay Net_Pay Tax_Amount STRATIFY ON Gross_Pay INTERVALS 10 TO SCREEN SET FILTER (Gross_Pay >= 1901 AND Gross_Pay <= 2213 ) CLASSIFY ON WorkDept SUBTOTAL Gross_Pay TO SCREEN SET FILTER TO ((Gross_Pay >= 1901 AND Gross_Pay <= 2213 )) AND WorkDept = 'E21' DEFINE RELATION WorkDept WITH Work_Depts INDEX Work_Depts_on_Work_Dept EXTRACT FIELDS EmpNo AS 'Employee Number' WorkDept AS 'Work Dept.' Gross_Pay AS 'Gross Pay' Tax_Amount AS 'Taxable Amount' Net_Pay AS 'Net Pay' Pay_Date AS 'Pay Date' Cheque_No AS 'Cheque Number' TO "Payroll Exceptions.fil" OPEN SET SAFETY On SET SESSION ^FORMAT Ar Ar "" "Ar.fil" 0 [PARENT_FOLDER_ID] 1045857484 [LASTVIEW] "Default_View" ^FORMAT Payroll Payroll "" "Payroll.fil" 0 [PARENT_FOLDER_ID] 1045857306 [LASTVIEW] "Default_View" ^LOGFILE Sample_Project "" "Sample_Project.LOG" [PARENT_FOLDER_ID] 0 ^FORMAT Badfile Badfile "" "Badfile.fil" 0 [PARENT_FOLDER_ID] 1 [LASTVIEW] "Default_View" ^REPORT Default_View Badfile D.T, [SKIP] 0 [TLINES] 0 [RLINES] 1 [LINE] 1 InvoiceNo WIDTH 7 PICTURE "" Prodno WIDTH 9 PICTURE "" Price WIDTH 14 PICTURE "(9,999,999.99)" OrderQty WIDTH 11 PICTURE "(9,999,999)" ShipQty WIDTH 11 PICTURE "(9,999,999)" Total WIDTH 14 PICTURE "(9,999,999.99)" ^REPORT Default_View CASHDBLT D.T, [SKIP] 0 [TLINES] 0 [RLINES] 1 [LINE] 1 CHARACTER1 WIDTH 10 PICTURE "" DATE1 WIDTH 12 NUMERIC1 WIDTH 14 PICTURE "" NUMERIC2 WIDTH 15 PICTURE "" NUMERIC3 WIDTH 15 PICTURE "" CHARACTER2 WIDTH 10 PICTURE "" CHARACTER3 WIDTH 10 PICTURE "" NUMERIC4 WIDTH 25 PICTURE "" NUMERIC5 WIDTH 10 PICTURE "" CHARACTER4 WIDTH 23 PICTURE "" ^OPEN