Semantic Computing Research Group (SCRG)


Dr. Taehyung ("George") Wang


Peter GuyChemical Compound Modeling Tool

The goal of this research is to develop a chemical modeling tool that improves the accuracy and effectiveness for drug discovery. Constructing and testing chemical compounds for effective drug is an expensive and time consuming task. Providing better ways to evaluate compounds with chemical modeling tools, before they are physically produced, will significantly speed up drug discovery and development process. Such improvement would not only aid drug discovery researchers in their work, but would prove invaluable to current sufferers of disease and those at high-risk for contracting diseases. To that end, we develop a modeling tool that increase the accuracy of predicting characteristics of small molecule compounds by using several different data mining methods with the different chemical compound representations including the Simplified Molecular Input Line Entry Specification (SMILES), the Chemical Markup Language (CML), and the Structured Data (SD).

Chris Guitierrez – Medical Data Management

This research tackles many challenges in CT scan process and CT images such as the improvement of the accuracy of the amount of radiation, the optimization of the storage and retrieval of a large volume of CT image, reduction in radiology. A sophisticated CT Scanner can take image "slices" of the human body. The system can take 64  1-6mm slices per shot. A scan can take images from head to toe or from face to backside. If a radiologist were to take slices of the entire human body, the number of slices need from head to toe would be much larger than from face to backside. There are several issues related to CT scan image as follows: 1) Can we save the amount of storage if we take slices from face to backside? Can we show that a radiologist can achieve a 95% accuracy taking slices from face to backside as opposed to head to toe? How long does it take to review these slides? 2) How thin can we do CT scans without loosing information? Thin slices may be dangerous because of "partial volume". This means that the area of interest gets put into multiple slices and it makes the radiologists job more difficult, 3) More radiation means higher resolution. However, more radiation results in side effects to patients. What is the optimal level? 4) Study how to use digital watermarks to embed patient information in images and use this information to reduce errors.

Kate VignaSoftware learning with a cognitive approach

This research is about how to learn software effectively and efficiently, particularly based on human factors. For example, having information readily accessible by the user at all times, allowing the user to move through a software application as quickly as possible, etc.  Software is set up to be quick and easy.  Learning is a slower, more deliberate process, however.  So, this research develops the current structure and interface in learning software, and ways to up to human computer interaction models, and how it functions in terms of learning / cognitive development. 

Joel Hickman – Attribute Finder

This research is about how to find the data attributes necessary to answer questions of interest about entities to be included in the warehouse.  Attribute Finder isolates attributes using a variation of genetic programming (GP). GPs cast problem solving software agents in the role of organisms.  Over generations, these agents reproduce and evolve into competent problem solvers even when knowledge is sparse.  Here, Structured Query Language (SQL) queries are individuals, and by configuring the templates used in their creation, the user may explore nearly any topic. 

Vatche Jabagchourian – Mobile device software applications development

This research is to study how to efficiently develop mobile device software applications, particularly assistive technology software. Although some methods such as prepared media, optical character recognition and screen readers are used for the vision impaired, they may be unfeasible because of difficulty of use or high cost. A better alternative would be to use an existing device that is programmable, such as mobile phones. This research explores efficient ways to develop assistive software applications running on mobile devices.

Suryo Muljono – Simulation gaming based on collaboration and role reversal

This research is to develop a simulation game for education. The simulation puts the student in a role reversal. The idea of role reversal is to help give students insight into the value of collaboration and problem solving as a collective activity, especially within the confines of an educational environment. In the simulation, the player is confronted with a scenario. Based on the scenario they have to make certain decisions to get to a resolution. Collaboration is involved when we introduce multiple roles. The different roles play a part into the decisions that work towards a resolution.

Seunghyun Kim – Next generation online learning

This research is to develop a next generation web application for online education. As web environment is becoming dynamic, and people commonly access the web everywhere, the web is increasingly considered as one of suitable methods to supply educational materials. In order to maximize the utilization of web on educational purpose, two technical aspects will be focused in this project. The first one is adopting appropriate web engineering process. Because developing web application is different from developing conventional software, more specific engineering techniques are required. Regarding this point, some of those specific techniques will be demonstrated during this project such as modeling, designing and developing architectures. Second aspect is implementing the HTML5. The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) has introduced the 5th major revision of HTML, and they plan to standardize it in 2010. Using the HTML5, more dynamic web application can be developed since the HTML5 aims at handling various multimedia data and efficient communicating between clients and servers.


Dr. Phillip Sheu, UCI

Dr. Eric Kelson, CSUN

Dr. David Hecht, Southwestern College

Dr. Verma, Ramesh C., Olive View-UCLA Medical Center

Dr. Ivor Weiner, CSUN


1.      Christoph Fabritz, Mohammed Abdelrahim, Steven Wirsz, and Taehyung Wang, ¡°Open Specification for Indoor-Navigation,¡± International Workshop on Semantic Multimedia Computing (SMC 2017), San Diego, California, January 30–February 1, 2017.

2.      Junghoon Shin, Sangjun Lee, and Taehyung Wang, ¡°Semantic Patent Analysis System based on Big data,¡± IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC 2017), San Diego, California, January 30–February 1, 2017.

3.      Taehyung Wang, Astushi Kitazawa, and Phillip Sheu, ¡°Semantic Software Engineering,¡± Encyclopedia with Semantic Computing, Vol. 1, No. 1 (2017).

4.      Mohammed Abdelrahim, Carlos Merlosy, and Taehyung Wang, ¡°Hybrid Machine Learning Approaches - A Method to Improve Expected Output of Semi-structured Sequential Data,¡± IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC 2016), Laguna Hills, California, February 3–5, 2016.

5.      David Khanaferov, Christopher Luc and Taehyung Wang, ¡°Social Network Data Mining Using Natural Language Processing and Density Based Clustering,¡± IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC 2014), Newport Beach, California, June 16–18, 2014.

6.      Junghoon Shin, Sangjun Lee and Taehyung Wang, ¡°Semantic Approach for Identifying Harmful Sites Using Link Relations,¡± IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC 2014), Newport Beach, California, June 16–18, 2014.

7.      Jennifer Kim, Taehyung Wang and Sang Tae Bae, ¡°A Survey of Big Data Technologies and How Semantic Computing Can Help,¡± International Journal of Semantic Computing, vol. 8 no. 1, March 2014, pp. 99 – 117.

8.      Chanmin Park and Taehyung Wang, ¡°Big Data and NSA Surveillance - Survey of Technology and Legal Issues,¡± IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM2013), Anaheim, California, December, 2013.

9.      Ted Garcia and Taehyung Wang, ¡°Analysis of Big Data Technologies and Methods - Query Large Web Public RDF Datasets on Amazon Cloud Using Hadoop and Open Source Parsers,¡± IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC 2013), Irvine, California, September 16–18, 2013.

10.   Chanmin Park, Seunghyun Kim and Taehyung Wang, ¡°Multimedia Copyright Protection on the Web - Issues and Suggestions,¡± IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM2012), Irvine, California, December, 2012.

11.   Min Kyo Chung, Taehyung (George) Wang and Phillip Sheu, ¡°Folksonomic Approach to Video Summarization,¡± Online Information Review, Emerald, vol. 35. no. 4. 2011.

12.   Wooju Kim , June S. Hong, Taehyung (George) Wang, Myungjin Lee and Hak-Jin Kim, ¡°Mathematical Constraint Knowledge into the Semantic Web by a Semantic Web Constraint Language,¡± a chapter of the book entitled Introduction to the Web Semantic: Concepts, Technologies and Applications, iConcept Press, 2011.

13.   Myungjin Lee, Wooju Kim, and Taehyung (George) Wang, ¡°An Explorative Association-Based Search for the Semantic Web,¡± IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC 2010), Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, September 22–24, 2010.

14.   ChengZhi Xu, Peng Liang, Taehyung (George) Wang, Qi Wang, and Phillip C-Y, Sheu ¡°Semantic Web Services Annotation and Composition based on ER Model,¡± IEEE International Workshop on Ubiquitous and Mobile Computing (UMC 2010), Newport Beach, California, June 7–9, 2010.

15.   Christopher N. Gutierrez, Gautam Kakani, Ramesh C. Verma, Taehyung (George) Wang, ¡°Digital Watermarking of Medical Images for Mobile Devices,¡± IEEE International Workshop on Ubiquitous and Mobile Computing (UMC 2010), Newport Beach, California, June 7–9, 2010.

16.   Seung-Hyun Kim, Craig Dunham, Suryo Muljono, Albert Lee, and Taehyung (George) Wang, ¡°Discovery of Association Rules in National Violent Death Data Using Optimization of Number of Attributes,¡± World Congress on Computer Science and Information Engineering (CSIE 2009), Los Angeles/Anaheim, California, March 31–April 2, 2009.

17.   Jordan Yelloz and Taehyung (George) Wang, ¡°Optimization and Load Balancing of the Semantic Tagging and Searching System,¡± IEEE International Workshop on Semantic Computing and Applications (IWSCA 2008), Incheon, Korea, July 10–11, 2008.

18.   Taehyung (George) Wang, Diane Schwartz, and Robert Lingard, ¡°Assessing Student Learning in Software Engineering,¡± The Journal of Computing Science in Colleges, vol. 23, no. 6, June, 2008, pp. 239 – 248.

19.   Joel Hickman, Gina Hope, and Taehyung (George) Wang, ¡°Data Attribute Selection with Genetic Programming,¡± International Conference on Information Society (i-Society 2007), Merrillville, Indiana, October 7–11, 2007.

20.   Gina Hope, Taehyung (George) Wang, and Shan Barkataki, ¡°Convergence of Web 2.0 and Semantic Web: A Semantic Tagging and Searching System for Creating and Searching Blogs,¡± IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC2007), Irvine, California, September 17–19, 2007.

21.   Taehyung (George) Wang, Phillip C-Y Sheu, Atsushi Kitazawa, and Hiroshi Yamaguchi, "Database Language," Encyclopedia of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, John Wiley & Sons, 2007.

22.   Fei Xie, Haitao Gong, Donghua Deng, Shu Wang, Taehyung (George) Wang, Jicheng Hu, and Chen-Yu Sheu, ¡°Integrating Semantic Web Services for Declarative Accesses in Natural Language,¡± IEEE Eighth International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM2006), San Diego, California, December, 2006.

23.   Ramiro Ropez, Taehyung (George) Wang, and Chen-Yu Sheu, ¡°Information and Process Management System for Physical Therapy,¡± C.V. Ramamoorthy Workshop on Advances in Computer Science and Engineering (RAM 2006), Berkeley, California, May 2006.

24.   Chris Germano, Taehyung (George) Wang, and Akira K. Onoma, ¡°Framework and Network Based Multimedia Object Management Environment,¡± IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM2005), Irvine, California, December, 2005.

25.   Taehyung Wang and Wei Chang, ¡°Automatic Association Rule Generation: from a Cognitive Informatics Perspective,¡± US - Korea Conference on Science, Technology & Entrepreneurship (UKC2005), Irvine, California, August 2005.

26.   Wei Chang and Taehyung Wang, ¡°Automatic Multi-Dimensional Association Rule Generation for Relational Data Set,¡± IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Informatics (ICCI 2005), Irvine, California, August 2005.

27.   D. Deng, P. C.-Y. Sheu, Taehyung Wang, and Akira K. Onoma, ¡°Model-based Testing and Maintenance,¡± IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia Software Engineering (MSE 2004), Miami, Florida, December 13–15, 2004.

28.   D. Deng, P. C.-Y. Sheu, Taehyung Wang, H. Maezawa, F. Tsunoda, and Akira K. Onoma, ¡°DPSSEE: A Distributed Proactive Semantic Software Engineering Environment,¡± IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia Software Engineering (MSE 2003), Taichung, Taiwan, December 10–12, 2003.

29.   Moon Hae Kim, K.H. (Kane) Kim, Yunmook Nah, Joonwoo Lee, Taehyung Wang, Jonghoon Lee, and Young Kyu Yang, ¡°Distributed Adaptive Architecture for Managing Large Volumes of Moving Items,¡± IEEE International Conference on Integrated Design and Process Technology (IDPT 2003), Austin, Texas, December 3–5, 2003.

30.   Yunmook Nah, K.H.(Kane) Kim, Taehyung Wang, Moon Hae Kim, Jonghoon Lee, and Young Kyu Yang, ¡°A Cluster-based TMO-structured Scalable Approach for Location Information Systems,¡± IEEE International Workshop on Object-oriented Real-time Dependable Systems (WORDS 2003F), IEEE CS Press, Capri Island, Italy, October 1–3, 2003.

31.   Yunmook Nah, Moon Hae Kim, Taehyung Wang, K.H. (Kane) Kim, and Young Kyu Yang, ¡°TMO-structured Cluster-based Real-time Management of Location Data on Massive Volume of Moving Items,¡± IEEE Workshop on Software Technologies for Future Embedded Systems, IEEE Press, Hakodate, Japan, May 2003.

32.   Yunmook Nah, K.H. (Kane) Kim, Taehyung Wang, Moon Hae Kim, Young Kyu Yang, and Jong Hun Lee, ¡°Cluster-based Real-time Location Data Server Architecture,¡± KISS SIGDB Database Research, vol. 18, no. 4, December 2002.

33.   George (Taehyung) Wang, Fei Xie, Fumihiro Tsunoda, and Akira K. Onoma, ¡°Web Search with Personalization and Knowledge,¡± IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia Software Engineering (MSE 2002), Newport Beach, California, December 11–13, 2002.

34.   Taehyung Wang and Phillip C.-Y. Sheu, ¡°An Object-Oriented BSP Tree Algorithm for Hidden Surface Removal,¡± International Journal of Imaging and Graphics, vol. 2, no. 3, July 2002, pp. 395–411.

35.   S. Ohara, M. Hui, Taehyung Wang, F. Tsunoda, P. C.-Y. Sheu, and Raymond Paul, ¡°A Software Test and Evaluation Environment Based on Longitudinal Database,¡± International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, vol. 12, no. 3, June 2002, pp. 223–244.

36.   S. Ohara, M. Hui, Taehyung Wang, F. Tsunoda, P. C.-Y. Sheu, and Raymond Paul, ¡°Object Testing in ITEE,¡± IEEE International Workshop on Object-oriented Real-time Dependable Systems (WORDS 2002), San Diego, California, January 7–9, 2002.

37.   Phillip C-Y Sheu, Brian Cummings, Carl Cotman, Charlie Chubb, L. Hu, Taehyung Wang, Julene Johnson, Scott Mobley, Tom Sitch, and Y. Inagaki, ¡°An Object Relational Approach to Biomedical Database,¡± International IEEE Symposium on Bio-Informatics and Biomedical Engineering (BIBE 2000), Washington, D.C., November 8–10, 2000.

38.   Taehyung Wang and P. C-Y. Sheu, ¡°An Object-Oriented Approach to Shadow Generation in Computer Graphics,¡± International Journal of Tools with Artificial Intelligence, vol. 9, no. 3, September 2000, pp. 321–342.

39.   Meng Hui, Soichiro Ohara, Linhua Hu, Taehyung Wang, Phillip C-Y Sheu, and Fumihiro Tsunoda, ¡°Software Test & Evaluation with Longitudinal Data,¡± World Conference on Integrated Design and Process Technology (IDPT 2000), Dallas, Texas, June 4–8, 2000.

40.   Soichiro Ohara, Linhua Hu, Meng Hui, Taehyung Wang, Phillip C-Y Sheu, and Fumihiro Tsunoda, ¡°A Database Approach to Testing and Evaluating of Object-Oriented Programs,¡± IEEE Computer Society International Workshop on Object-oriented Real-time Dependable Systems, Monterey, California, November 1999.

41.   Taehyung Wang and Phillip C.-Y. Sheu, ¡°An Object-Oriented Approach to Visual Database,¡± IEEE Circuits and Systems Newsletter, vol. 10, no. 1, March/April 1999, pp. 1, 4-5, 10.

42.   M. Xu, Taehyung Wang, P. Sheu, C. Ramamoorthy, S. Ohara, and A. K. Onoma, ¡°Using an Object-Relational Knowledge Base for Software Testing,¡± IEEE Symposium on Application-Specific Systems and Software Engineering and Technology, Richardson, Texas, March 1999.

43.   Taehyung Wang and Phillip C.-Y. Sheu, ¡°An Efficient Methodology for Constructing and Managing a 3-D World,¡± IEEE Computer Society International Workshop on Object-oriented Real-time Dependable Systems, Santa Barbara, California, January 1999.

44.   Taehyung Wang, Phillip C.-Y. Sheu, Brian Cummings, and Carl Cotman, ¡°BioCompose: An Object Relational Database for Brain Aging Research,¡± IEEE International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems, West Lafayette, Indiana, October 1998.

45.   Taehyung Wang, Phillip C.-Y. Sheu, and Carl Cotman, ¡°Active Rule Processing in The BioCompose Database,¡± IEEE International Symposium on Object-oriented Real-time Distributed Computing, Kyoto, Japan, April 1998.

46.   Soochan Hwang, Sang-Young Cho, Taehyung Wang, and Phillip C.-Y. Sheu, ¡°A Fast 3-D Visualization Methodology Using Characteristic Views of Objects,¡± International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, vol. 8, no. 1, March 1998, pp. 97–114.

47.   Taehyung Wang, Phillip C.-Y. Sheu, C. Cotman, and C. Chubb, ¡°Parallel/Distributed Simulation with the COMPOSE Object-Relational Database,¡± Proceedings of IEEE Workshop on Application-Specific Software Engineering and Technology, Richardson, Texas, March 1998.

48.   Taehyung Wang and Phillip C.-Y. Sheu, ¡°An Object-Oriented Approach to Visual Database,¡± IEEE Computer Society International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, Newport, California, November 1997.

49.   Taehyung Wang, Phillip C.-Y. Sheu, and Soochan Hwang, ¡°An Object-Oriented Shadow Generation Algorithm for Real-Time Application,¡± IEEE Computer Society International Workshop on Object-oriented Real-time Dependable Systems, Newport, California, February 1997.

50.   J. Song, Taehyung Wang, S. Hwang, P. Sheu, D. Slater, G. Healey, and C. Cotman, ¡°An Object-Oriented Biological Image Database for Cells from Histological Brain Sections,¡± World Conference on Integrated Design and Process Technology, Austin, Texas, December 1996.

51.   Taehyung Wang, P. Sheu, and Donald P. Yu, ¡°An Object-Oriented Depth-Sorting Method for Displaying 3-D Scenes,¡± IEEE International Conference on Circuits and Systems Science, Shanghai, China, June 1996.

52.   Soochan Hwang, Sang-Young Cho, Taehyung Wang, and Phillip C.-Y. Sheu, ¡°A Fast 3-D Visualization Methodology Using Characteristic Views of Objects,¡± International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, Lake Tahoe, California, June 1996.