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Reporting Child Abuse

Child Abuse Prevention Council of Sacramento, CA
California laws mandating the reporting of child abuse and neglect.  Inlcudes listings of Child Protective Agencies in CA, Child Abuse Prevention Councils in CA, and National Child Abuse Reporting Hotlines.

Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse and Neglect
 A summary of the major features of statutes requiring mandatory reporting of child abuse and neglect. References to statutes in all 50 states.

National Association of Counsel for Children-Reporting Child Abuse
The NACC provides training and technical assistance to child advocates and works to improve the child welfare, juvenile justice and private custody systems.

Operational Definitions of Child Abuse and Neglect
This site gives definitions and examples of child abuse, neglect, and children in danger of abuse.

The California Evidence-Based Clearinghouse for Child Welfare
Provides information on evidence-based welfare practices in the state.  Users can search by topica area, treatment type, scientific rating, and goals/outcomes.

Suspected Child Abuse Report--EMS State Child Abuse Form Link
EMS State Child Abuse Form Link - Health Department
National Center for Youth Law
NCYL works to ensure that low-income children have the resources, support, and opportunities they need for a healthy and productive future. Much of NCYL's work is focused on poor children who are additionally challenged by abuse and neglect, disability, or other disadvantage 

Mandated Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting - California
A website for the State of California, Office of Child Abuse Prevention, .  Reporters may submit reports of suspected child abuse or neglect


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