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Standards-based Lesson Plans

DOLE Five a Day
Good resource for Lesson plans and activities about nutrition.

Environmental Education Center
Curriculum resources, community projects, grants, Conservation Curriculum Resources, scholarships, and conference information for teachers.

National Institute of Environmental Health Services
Excellent resource for information, Kids pages, links to lesson plans, and more teacher resources.

NIEHS K-12 Education Materials Booklet
Education booklet containing information on Environmental Health. (Requires Adobe PDF to view)

PBS Technology & Teaching
Provides a range of tutorials for technology applications, as well as the latest reports and information resources.

Teachers.Net Health Lessons
Collection of Health Lesson Plans for K-12 Teachers.

Offers PE and Health Lesson plans for K-12 educators.

USGS The Learning Web
Site is dedicated to K-12 education, exploration, and life-long learning about how biology, geology, hydrology, and geography can help understand our changing world.


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