English 493: Senior Honours Tutorial on J.R.R. Tolkien


I encourage all honors students and students taking honors classes to submit a 500 word abstract of your work (which could be your thesis, a paper you're working on etc) by March 18th to the Call for Papers for the annual Spring Honors/Sigma Tau Delta Colloquium scheduled for April 12th. This is your day and a chance to present your work to your peers and get valuable conference experience. Presenting a 7- 10 page paper at this conference will definitely bolster your resume and prepare you for future conferences. As well, you will have an opportunity to chat with Dr. Judith Halberstam from USC who will be our keynote speaker and who will be joining the students for lunch. Dr. Halberstam is a renowned gender theorist whose work includes 19th c. British Literature, media studies, film studies, and gender and sexuality studies. Her famous book is Female Masculinity. So check out the honors website for the Call for Papers and plan on doing something for the conference. Don't hesitate to pop by my office or email me if you have further questions (office hours mwf from noon-1 and ranita.chatterjee@csun.edu)

Dr. Ranita Chatterjee
Honors Director

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Last Update: 8 March, 2005