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Quiz Study Guide

The quiz will cover all materials studied between the midterm and May 3rd. This includes the Shepheardes Calender, Renaissance lyric poems, Doctor Faustus, Leviathan, and the beginning of Paradise Lost.

Historical Background

  1. Major dates of periods in history and historical events, as well as approximate dates of the literary texts we have read.
  2. Social and cultural characteristics relevant to the understanding of the literature we have read. Make sure that you can correctly spell the names of all technical terms.

The Texts

  1. Know the plots and major character names of the texts (where they have plots and characters) or the general scenario depicted in the texts (where they don't).
  2. Know the names of the authors of the texts we have studied and the approximate date when the texts were written to within 30 years.
  3. Be able to recognise major passages from the texts and be able to discuss their significance in terms of…
  4. The themes, commentary, social, and philosophical issues raised by the texts.
  5. No appropriate terminology for discussing the genres and forms of the literature (pastoral, blank verse, etc.)

Be aware that I will be asking for brief, but coherent answers, rather than complete analyses. Since most employers expect university graduates (especially in English) to be able to spell, I make spelling a substantial part of your grade, even for in-class exams.

Midterm Study Guide

The midterm is cumulative and will cover all material we have studied since the beginning of the semester. For the midterm you should have a firm grasp of the following topics.

Historical Background

  1. Major dates of periods in history and historical events, as well as approximate dates of the literary texts we have read.
  2. Social and cultural characteristics relevant to the understanding of the literature we have read. Make sure that you can correctly spell the names of all technical terms.

The Texts

  1. Know the plots and major character names of the texts (where they have plots and characters) or the general scenario depicted in the texts (where they don't).
  2. Be able to recognise major passages from the tales and be able to discuss their significance in terms of…
  3. The themes, commentary, social, and philosophical issues raised by the texts.

Be aware that I will be asking for brief, but coherent answers, rather than complete analyses. Since most employers expect university graduates (especially in English) to be able to spell, I make spelling a substantial part of your grade, even for in-class exams.


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Last Update: 14 May, 2007