Chapter 14 Vocabulary



beorhtnys: brightness (strong, feminine)

carcerne: prison, jail

cilde: child

earn: eagle (strong, masculine)

hræfn: raven (strong, masculine)

hraw: corpse (strong, neuter)

land, lond: land, country (strong, neuter)

laðgeni?la: foe, enemy (weak, masculine)

leoht: light (strong, neuter)mona: moon (weak, masculine)

mona: moon (weak, masculine)

sunne: sun (weak, feminine)

tungol: star (strong, neuter)

wop: weeping (strong, masculine)

wracu: suffering, pain (strong, feminine)



befrinað ask (imperative plural of befrinan)

betyndon imprisoned (past tense 3rd person plural of betynan)

(ge)biddan pray to, ask (infinitive)

bryttigean to share (infinitive)

cyðað make known (imperative plural of cyîan)

faraþ go (imperative plural of faran)

leton left (past tense 3rd person plural of lætan)

(ge)metað find (present tense 2nd person plural of [ge]metan)

styredon stirred, moved (past tense 3rd person plural of styrian)

(ge)worden become (past participle of weorîan)


ardlice: quickly

eft: afterwards

ne: not


eal: all

gemæne: common to

hasopad: grey-coated

hean: poor

hyrnednebb: horn-beaked

rice: rich

salowigpad: dark-feathered

sweart: gloomy, dark, black



be: about, alongside

behindan: behind

on: in


These sentences for translation can also be accessed through King Alfred.

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