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Policy on Incompletes

The standard grade if a student fails to complete the work for a class is a "WU". This is the equivalent of an "F", but the grade may be changed if you re-take the course at a future time. This grade is also assigned to students who have not attended after the first few classes of the semester but have not officially "withdrawn" from the course.

I may assign an Incomplete ("I") if and only if you meet all of the following conditions:

  • You have completed the vast bulk of the work;
  • You are passing the class;
  • You fill out and bring to me a "Request for an Incomplete" form (also available from the English Department office), on which I detail exactly what is still needed for completion of the course.

I can make no exceptions to this policy, even if it affects your financial aid.

Once you take an incomplete, you have a year from the date recorded on the form to complete the requirements of the course and have your grade changed; therefore, you should submit work early enough to allow me to grade your work and fill out the necessary forms to assign you a new grade.

Keep in mind that, after you take an Incomplete, any grading of your work becomes an added burden on my busy timetable during the following year. Therefore you should not expect the normal amount of comments on your work or any extra teaching beyond my normal office hours.

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Last Update: 6 April, 2006
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