Class Details

Class Number 14024

Tues., Thurs. 4:00-6:45

Jerome Richfield 319

Contact Details

Office: 803 Sierra Tower
Telephone: 677-0901



Your final grade will be based on the following work:


Enrolling in this class requires a commitment to participate in a community of learners in which you agree to contribute to and not to detract from the learning environment. In order to receive full credit for participation, you must do the readings in advance, bring your textbook to each class, be prepared to discuss the materials, and complete all assignments additional to the exams and research papers. You must also arrive to class on time, remember to turn off your cell phones completely (vibrate is not good enough), and remain in the classroom for the duration of the class period. For disruptive behaviour (e.g. cell phones, frequent exits from the classroom), I reserve the right to increase the proportion of your final grade allotted to participation as I feel appropriate. There is no automatic credit for attendance, and frequent absences will be noted and may be reflected in your final grade. I regret that I am unable to handle extra credit assignments.


It is extremely important that all aspects of your work are come by honourably. Efforts to gain an advantage not given to all students are dishonest and regarded as an extremely serious matter by the academic community. Consequences range from probation to expulsion. University policy stipulates that plagiarism, the submission of another person’s work as your own, is a violation of academic honesty, even if it arises out of ignorance or oversight, rather than deliberate cheating. Enrolling in this class means that you agree to abide by my decision regarding the appropriate action to take in cases of academic dishonesty. If you have any questions about plagiarism, paraphrasing, quoting, or collaboration, please consult me.


Students should make sure that they follow the university’s add/drop deadlines, outlined in the Schedule of Classes. According to university policy, drops are only allowed after the set date when "a) there is a serious and compelling reason--specifically the student’s emotional or physical health or financial condition is clearly in jeopardy, and b) there is no viable alternative--including repeating the class". Students will need to provide documentation on official letterhead--a letter, on official stationery, from a doctor or an employer--to support their reasons. No adds will be allowed unless a student can provide documented proof--e.g., a clerical error--for the reason for the tardiness. Please make sure to meet the deadline!

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