Study Guide for Second Quiz

The quiz will cover Dryden, Pope, and the various text selections listed under "Starbucks Pre-Visited" on the reading schedule. The format will consist of multiple choice, fill-in-the blank, and short answer questions. You do not need a blue book. The quiz will last for 30 minutes. Do not worry about the number of questions, as it will only distract you from learning the material. Here are some things for which you will be expected to display knowledge.

  1. Dates of important periods in literary and linguistic history. For events, knowing the approximate date (within 25 years) is good enough.
  2. Dates of important historical events which affect literary history. For events, knowing the approximate date (within 25 years) is good enough.
  3. The titles of the texts we have studied and the names of their authors.
  4. The approximate dates when the texts we have studied were written/composed. For authors and texts, knowing when the author wrote is essential.
  5. The subject matter, themes, and plot (if there is a narrative) of the texts we have studied.
  6. The cultural concepts relevant to understanding the literature of the period (e.g. the Reformation) and their significance for our understanding of the meaning of the texts we have studied.
  7. Features of the form of poetry during the period.
  8. The correct spellings of all words you submit for me to grade. (The public expects university graduates to be able to spell. The least I can do is grade on this basis.)

Friendly hints:

  • Re-read the texts, breaking them up into portions and writing summaries of the portions and what you think their significance.
  • For works with multiple characters, write down the names of their characters and learn their spellings.
  • When you ask, "What should I focus on?" your professor hears "What can I get away with not learning?" Try to be inclusive, rather than exclusive with your learning, and you're likely to do better on quizzes.

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