Essay 2

Choose ONE of the three questions below:

  1. During the Enlightenment, writers were acutely conscious of the role of reason in re-defining notions of art and society. Choose two of the longer texts we have studied (beginning with Dryden), or several of the shorter texts, and discuss how the authors responded to rationality as a criterion for social comment and artistic production.
  2. High society in the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries showed a preoccupation with propriety and decorum at a time in which the older forms of authority which underpinned aristocratic culture were being actively questioned. Choose one or two works we have studied (beginning with Dryden) and discuss how the author(s) treat(s) this dynamic.
  3. The Enlightenment is notable for the development of the "Whig view of history" which suggests that society—and individuals within society—can be improved. Choose one or two works we have studied (beginning with Dryden) and discuss the author(s) views of the means of improvement for society and its individuals, and the prospects for success of such improvements.

Write a 4-5 page essay on your chosen topic. Your essay should be double spaced with one-inch margins. Do not include your works cited list on a new page; just put it a few lines below the end of your essay (this is to save paper). See further the formatting and mechanics guidelines.

This is not a research paper. However, be aware that part of the difficulty of reading literature from the period is that it requires a lot of background knowledge. You should take the opportunity to do some reading of secondary sources in order to be sufficiently informed to write a perceptive essay.

Your essay will be graded on four main criteria: understanding of the text(s), strength and clarity of thesis, quality of and use of evidence, and mechanics. The proportions will vary depending upon the types of issues in your essay.

Note, however, that I pay special attention to mechanics. The more distracting I find the mechanical problems, the more weight they have in your grade. My policy to that up to 100% of your grade may be based on mechanics. In an upper-level English course students are expected to be able to employ the discourse of professional literary critics, and I will expect this in your essays. Don’t worry if you are not an English major; many English majors have not yet mastered this discourse, and learning disciplinary writing strategies in another field may help you with those of your own field. Everything you need to know is in the formatting and mechanics guidelines. When your essay is returned, any mistakes you make will be identified by the number of the guideline in this document.

Due date: December 13 at midnight

Submission will be via Moodle. Follow the instructions below:

  1. Login to Moodle. Moodle only accepts CSUN user ids which are composed only of letters and sometimes numbers (such as dl76674). You cannot use other email addresses or student ID number. If you are unsure about your username, click Find my Username.
  2. Find the course labelled ENGL 456 The Age Of Enlightenment - Kleinman (18246-Fa10) and click on it.
  3. Click on Essay 1 at the top of the Weekly Outline.
  4. Click [SUBMIT] in the middle of the page.
  5. This should bring you to the turnitin screen. Follow the instructions on that screen.

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Essay 1

Choose ONE of the three questions below:

  1. Religious disputes and a plurality of religious beliefs were a constant feature of life in seventeenth- and eighteenth-century England, and the literary production of the period inevitably reflects the ongoing theological debates and new approaches to religious faith and practice. Choose texts and demonstrate how they enter the religious dialogue of the Enlightenment period.
  2. The hallmark of the Enlightenment is a belief that truth could be understood through reason. Choose one longer work or two shorter works which we have studied and discuss how they explore the effect of this belief on social identities or cultural practices. You may focus on any subject you feel relevant, but don’t choose too may or your discussion of each will be too superficial.
  3. During the Enlightenment writers experimented with new styles and subject matter. Choose one longer work or two shorter works which we have studied and discuss how they represent new modes of thought or new ways of exploring older subjects.

Write a 4-5 page essay on your chosen topic. Your essay should be double spaced with one-inch margins. Do not include your works cited list on a new page; just put it a few lines below the end of your essay (this is to save paper). See further the formatting and mechanics guidelines.

This is not a research paper. However, be aware that part of the difficulty of reading literature from the period is that it requires a lot of background knowledge. You should take the opportunity to do some reading of secondary sources in order to be sufficiently informed to write a perceptive essay.

Your essay will be graded on four main criteria: understanding of the text(s), strength and clarity of thesis, quality of and use of evidence, and mechanics. The proportions will vary depending upon the types of issues in your essay.

Note, however, that I pay special attention to mechanics. The more distracting I find the mechanical problems, the more weight they have in your grade. My policy to that up to 100% of your grade may be based on mechanics. In an upper-level English course students are expected to be able to employ the discourse of professional literary critics, and I will expect this in your essays. Don’t worry if you are not an English major; many English majors have not yet mastered this discourse, and learning disciplinary writing strategies in another field may help you with those of your own field. Everything you need to know is in the formatting and mechanics guidelines. When your essay is returned, any mistakes you make will be identified by the number of the guideline in this document.

Due date: October 14

Submission will be via Moodle. Follow the instructions below:

  1. Login to Moodle. Moodle only accepts CSUN user ids which are composed only of letters and sometimes numbers (such as dl76674). You cannot use other email addresses or student ID number. If you are unsure about your username, click Find my Username.
  2. Find the course labelled ENGL 456 The Age Of Enlightenment - Kleinman (18246-Fa10) and click on it.
  3. Click on Essay 1 at the top of the Weekly Outline.
  4. Click [SUBMIT] in the middle of the page.
  5. This should bring you to the turnitin screen. Follow the instructions on that screen.

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