Curriculum Vitae
G. Michael Barnes, Ph.D.

Ph.D. Experimental Psychology, University of Kansas, 1980.
MS. Computer Science, Kansas State University, 1980.
MA. Psychology, California State University, Long Beach, 1975.
AB. Psychology, University of California Berkeley, 1972.


Hsu, W., Barnes, G. M., Are computer informaton technology majors different that Computer Science majors in personality, learning style, or academic performance? The Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, April 2016, 31, 4, pp 100-107.
[ ACM Digital Library ]

Barnes, G. M., Using an instructor authored visual simulation framework in a CS3 course, The Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, April 2013, 28, 4, pp 148-154.
[ ACM Digital Library ]

Barnes, G.M., SceneWorld: A Game-Oriented Graphics Course Starter Kit, The Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, April 2009, 24, 4, pp 268-274.
[ ACM Digital Library ]

Covington, R., Barnes, G.M., A Time Management Assessment Technique That Improves Student Performance, Proceedings ASEE Annual Conference, Chicago, June 2006, 2006-121, pp 15.
[ASEE Conference Proceedings Search ]

Barnes, G.M., Noga, J., Smith, P.D., Wiegley, J., Experiments with Balanced-Sample Binary Trees. Proceedings of the 36th SIGCSE technical symposium on Computer science education ,ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, 2005, pp. 166-170.
[ ACM Digital Library ]

Timmerman, B., Lingard, R., Barnes, G.M., Active Learning with Upper Division Computer Science Students. 31st ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, Oct. 10-13, 2001, Reno, N.V., pp. T3B-19 to T3B23.
[ full text pdf ]

Kellener, E., Barnes, G.M., R. Lingard, Effects of Scroll Bar Orientation and Item Justification when using List Boxes. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 45th Annual Meeting, 2001, pp 662-666.
[ HFES Abstract ]     [ full text ]     [ mentioned in, UI Design Newsletter, January, 2002 ]

Barnes, G.M. and Swim, B.R., Inheriting Software Metrics. Journal of Object Oriented Programming, vol. 6, 7, 1993, pp 27-34.
[ scanned article ]

Barnes, G.M., Digitized speech's serial position effect. Addendum, CHI '92 Conference Proceedings, 1992.
[ ACM Digital Library ]

Bruno, K.J., Welz, L.L., Barnes, G.M., and Sherif , J., Analyzing Human Errors in Flight Mission Operations, Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Workshop on Space Operations, Applications and Research (SOAR '92), NASA Conference Publication 3187, 11, 1992, pp 499 - 505.
[ NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) ]

Barnes, G.M., Visible Algorithms (catalog code ALG003), MS DOS based educational software, described in, and distributed by, S.M. Alexander and D.A. McAlpin (Eds), Software for teaching Computer Science and Information System, CTI Centre for Computing Software Catalogue, Edition 1, Newtownabbey, Northern Ireland, August 1990, pp 16.

Barnes, G.M., Micorocomputer Simulations in the College Classroom. Proceedings of the ACSUP Conference on Excellence in Education, 1987, pp A57-A65.

Barnes, G.M., and Kind, G.A., Visual Simulations of Data Structures During Lecture. Proceedings of the Eighteenth ACM SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, 1987, pp 267-276.
[ ACM Digital Library ]

Smith, P.D. and Barnes, G.M., Files and Databases: An introduction. Addison Wesley, pp 390, 1987.

Barnes, G.M., Hsu, N., Hsu, F., Sun, T., Nguyen, T., Smith, P.D., and Haus, G., A Computer Science Courseware Factory. Proceedings of the Seventeenth ACM SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, 1986, 18, pp 318-328.
[ ACM Digital Library ]

Smith, P.D., Barnes, G.M., Turn, R., and Motil, J., Computing in the university of the future. Proceedings of the Western Educational Computing Consortium, 1985, pp 206-209.

Barnes, G.M., Hsu, V. and Liu, V., Visible algorithms: A CAI companion for data structures. IEEE EDCOMPCON, 1984.

Barnes, G.M., and Stevens, E., Visible algorithms: Looking at stacks and queues. Proceedings of the Western Educational Computing Consortium, 1984, pp 248-251.

Barnes, G.M., Thompson, M., and Thunberg, K.., Big Brother: A system for unobtrusively collecting programming behavior. Proceedings of the Western Educational Computing Consortium, 1984, pp 132-134.

Smith, P.D. and Barnes, G.M., Software Experiments and programming assignments. Proceedings of the Western Educational Computing Consortium, 1984, pp 47-49.

Barnes, G.M. and Smith, P.D., Experiments in file accessing techniques. ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, 1983, 15, pp 3-7.
[ ACM Digital Library ]

Barnes, G.M. Evaluating the effectiveness of CAI: Buyer beware? NCTE, 1982.

Barnes, G.M. and Whitely, S.E., Problem restructuring processes for ill-structured verbal analogies. Memory and Cognition, 1981, 9, pp 411-421.
[ SpringerLink ]

Barnes, G.M., Problem restructuring processes for ill-structured verbal analogies. Psychonomic Society Conference, 1980.

Whitely, S.E. and Barnes, G.M., The implications of processing event sequences for theories of analogical reasoning. Memory and Cognition, 1979, 7, pp 323-331.
[SpringerLink ]

Whitely, S.E. and Barnes, G.M., The implications of problem solving strategies for information theories of intelligence. American Educational Research Association , 1978.

Barnes, G.M., Creativity: A complementary relationship between information demand and success at problem solving. Intelligence, 1978, 2, pp 169-180.
[ APA PsycNET ]

Barnes, G.M. and Herman, P.C., Tokens for teachers: A vehicle for students to evaluate teachers with immediate consequences. Western Psychological Association, 1975.

Degree Manuscripts

Barnes, G.M., Two Designs for an Artifical Analogy Solving System. MS report, Computer Science Department, Kansas State University, 1980.

Barnes, G.M., A Concurrent Model for Solving Well- and Ill-Structured Analogies. PhD dissertation, Psychology Department, Kansas University, 1980.

Barnes, G.M. The Relationship among Creativity, Intelligence, and Intuition. MS thesis, Psychology Department, California State University Long Beach, 1975.