Seasoned Student Affairs Professional's Institute...


SODEXHO Seasoned Student Affairs Professional's Institute

At this year's institute we are encouraging all "seasoned" professionals to participate without regard to your position or number of years in the field. We welcome mid-level professionals to participate along with our more senior professionals in a pre-conference led by Dr. Dudley "Doug" Woodard.

This year's participants will be exposed to two individual themes that fit nicely within the overall conference theme of Sustainability and Partnerships: Reconnect, Recreate, and Renew. On day one, Doug will share his unique perspective, and research findings regarding the globalization of higher education. What does the future of higher education look like? What types of changes are occurring in North and South America, Europe, and Australia? What does it mean to us here in the United States?

On day two, Dr. Woodard will discuss the Faustian Tango: Real Organizational Change or Coercive Isomorphism? Is true organizational change occurring in higher education or are we being coerced by outside influences such as our dependency on external resources, and governmental legislation? Finally, there will be some discussion about how the two individual themes connect to the conference theme.

As always, this year's Sodexho SSAO Institute will be a stimulating interactive exchange of ideas between Student Affairs professionals, which will offer the attendees rich ideas to bring back to their respective campuses. We are particularly fortunate to have Dr. Doug Woodard leading this year's institute.

Deadline to register: September 16, 2005
Registration Fee: $175.00/person (covers materials, reception, and breakfast)
Late registration fee: $225.00/person (if space is available)

Click here for registration information..

Contact information: David McKenzie or by phone at 714-278-7383

Don't delay register today! The institute accommodates 30 participants!

Click here to view preliminary agenda-at-a-glance