Conference Schedule...

Tentative Schedule-at-a-glance

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Friday, November 11, 2005

Time Event
7:30 am-10:00 am Conference Registration Open
7:30 am-7:00 pm Local information and Hospitality Table
8:00 am-8:45 am Continental Breakfast (Knowledge Community poster display)
8:00 am-9:00 am

Senior Student Affairs Officers' Breakfast

9:00 am-10:00 am

Keynote - Dudley Woodard

10:00 am -10:30 am First break (refreshments)
10:00 am-3:30 pm Exhibit Hall Open
10:30 am-11:45 am Concurrent Sessions I
12:00 pm-1:30 pm Awards Luncheon
1:30 pm-2:45 pm Senior Student Affairs Officers Roundtables
1:30 pm-2:45 pm Concurrent Sessions II
2:45 pm - 3:30 pm Second break (refreshments)
3:00 pm-4:15 pm Concurrent Sessions III
4:30 pm-6:00 pm Ancillaries
6:00 pm-7:30 pm Night on the Town
9:30 pm-11:00 pm Region V Reception
9:30 pm-11:00 pm Region VI Reception

GO TO: Wednesday, November 9, 2005 Conference Schedule

GO TO: Thursday, November 10, 2005 Conference Schedule

GO TO: Saturday, November 12, 2005 Conference Schedule