Useful links for cyanobacteriology:

Nostoc punctiforme genomic database (or a multitude of additional microbial genome projects

Cyanosite: a great source of information and links about cyanobacteria

Cyanobase: information about genes and protiens from a number of cyanobacteria with sequenced genomes

Useful links for the microbiologist:

CSUN Microbiology Student Association (MSA) for our local chapter of ASM and its activities.

West Coast Bacterial Physiologists: and information about the annual December meeting

National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) which provides resources for searching major sequence databases, sequence analysis, and for finding journal articles.

The American Society for Microbiology (ASM)

CSUN's Sequencing Facility

Useful links for prospective students:

CSUN's biology graduate program  with application information and forms.  Feel free to contact me if you are interested in doing research in my laboratory.

CSUN's Biology Faculty  (click to read about their research interests)

MARC/MBRS Program that provides support for under-represented minorities while obtaining a degree at CSUN on their way to a research Ph.D. degree in the biomedical sciences.

The BIOS, CSUN's Biology Department Newsletter

Dr. Summers' email address is

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