Title Region Order Source Pub Leader Host Date Copies
Capay Valley-Wilbur Springs, West Side Sacramento Valley, California SAC 1 Northern California Geological Society, Pacific Section AAPG spring field trip Pickerell 1954
East-Central Sacramento Valley, Marysville (Sutter) Butte, Chico Creek, Oraville SAC 2 Geological Society of Sacramento Garrison 1961
U.S. Highway 40, Sacramento, Reno, Dixie Valley SAC 3 Geological Society of Sacramento Birkeland 1962
Central Portion of Great Valley of California San Juan Bautista to Yosemite Valley SAC 4 Geological Society of Sacramento Emerson 1963
Quaternary Geology of Northern Sacramento County, California SAC 5 Geological Society of Sacramento Shlemon 1967
Groundwater Geology of Northern Sacramento County SAC 6 National Association of Geology Teachers 1972
A Tour of the Reservoir Rocks of the Western Sacramento Delta SAC 7 Pacific Sections AAPG-SEG-SEPM, joint annual field trip, San Fransico 1976
Field Trip Around the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta SAC 8 Cordilleran Section, GSA 73rd annual meeting, Sacramento, CA. Berkstresser 1977
Paleozoic-Mesozoic Rocks of the Northern Sierra Nevada SAC 9 Cordilleran Section, GSA 73rd annual meeting, Sacramento, CA. Bond UCD 1977
Great Valley Sequence, Sacramento Valley SAC 10 Cordilleran Section, GSA annual meeting 1977
Great Valley Sequence, 3 maps SAC 11 1977
Conway Ranch Gas Field, Davis Southeast Gas Field SAC 12 Cal Divison of Oil and Gas Johnson 1980
Follow the Forty-Niners to the Mother Lode SAC 13 8th Annual Fall Field Frolic Fritsche 1990