Title Region Order Source Pub Leader Host Date Copies
The Story of Borax MJD 1 1960
Clark Mountain Thrust Complex in the Cordillera of Southeastern California MJD 2 Rice, UCLA Burchfiel Davis 1971
Geology and Mineral Wealth of the California Desert MJD 3 SCGS Fife Brown 1980
Geologic Excursions in the California Desert
  Geology and mineral deposits of the Central Mojave desert, faulting in the Colorado River area, California, Arizona, and Nevada. Dish hill, Kelso dunes, Bristol lake region
MJD 4 Cordilleran Section GSA 78th annual meeting Anaheim, CA. 1982
Cajon Pass to Manix Lake, Geological Investigations Along Interstate 15 MJD 5 complied by Robert E. Reynolds-Curator, Earth Sciences San Bernardino County Museum Reynolds 1985
Geologic Excursions in the Eastern Mojave Desert MJD 6 Barstow College Gaskin BCC 1988
Geology of the Eastern Mojave Desert MJD 7 The 8th annual spring field frolic, Geology and Earth Science Field Trip Weigand CSUN 1991 3
Mojave Desert MJD 8 South Coast Geologic Society Annual Field Trip Murbach Baldwin 1994
Anatomy of a Craton Margin Hinge Zone:  Sequence Stratigraphy of Upper Neoproterozoic - Basal Cambrian Succession, Eastern Mojave Desert, California MJD 9 GSA Cooper Fedo CSULB 1998
40th anniversary Alumni Reunion Frolic at ZZYZX MJD 10 CSUN 1999