Title Region Order Source Pub Leader Host Date Copies
A Tour of the Coastal Oil Fields of the Los Angeles Basin in and Adjacent to San Pedro Bay, California LA 1 Pacific Sections AAPG-SEG-SEPM joint annual field trip, Long Beach, Ca. Bauer Cohn 1966
Field Trip Guide to Baldwin Hills and Palos Verdes Hills, Los Angeles LA 2 Annual meeting AAPG-SEPM, pre-convention field trip #6 Pipkin Nash 1967
Geology and Oilfields of Coastal Areas Ventura and Los Angeles Basins, California LA 3 Pacific Sections AAPG-SEG-SEPM 44th annual meeting, Los Angeles, Ca. Hacker 1969
Stratigraphy of the Punchbowl Formation and Tertiary Geology of Cajon Valley, Southern California LA 4 Department of Geological Sciences, University of California, Riverside-Woodburne, M.O. and Golz, D.J Woodburne Golz UCR 1971
Miocene Sedimentary Environments and Biofacies, Southeastern Los Angeles Basin LA 5 Annual Meeting AAPG-SEPM-SEG Ingle 1973 2
Geologic Excursions In The Greater Los Angeles Area LA 6 NAGT-FWC Collins CSUN 1989 5
A Day In The Field With Tom Dibblee St. Francis Dam Area LA 7 Dibblee Geological Foundation Dibblee Ehrenspect 1997
Old Oil Fields and a New Life: A visit to the los Angeles Basin LA 8 GSA Clarke Otott CSULB 1998
St. Francis Dam Story: No Place for Poor Geology - Not by a Dam Site LA 9 GSA Behl CSULB 1998
Tectonic Setting of the 1971 Sylmar and 1994 Northridge Quakes in the SFV LA 10 Bull of Seismological Society of America Tsutsumi Yeats 1999
Paleontologic Resource Impact Mitigation Program Final Technical Report of Findings LA 11 Los Angeles Metro Red Line Project Segments 2 and 3 Lander 2000
A Day In The Field With Tom Dibblee In The Palos Verdes Hills, California LA 12 Dibblee Geological Foundation Dibblee Ehlert 2000
To The Edge of A Plate-Fieldtrip Guide To The Geology Between The San Fernando Valley And Palmdale, Ca LA 13 CSUN Weigand Savage CSP 2000
Geology and Tectonics of SFV and East Ventura Basin LA 14 AAPG Wright Yeats 2001  
A Day In The Field With Tom Dibblee Geology Between SFV and Palmdale LA 15 Dibblee Geological Foundation Dibblee Weigand CSUN 2001