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Page Description

The following syllabus page is a three column layout with a header that contains a quicklinks jump menu and the search CSUN function. Page sections are identified with headers. The footer contains update, contact and emergency information.


Contact Information

  • Leemon McHenry
  • Philosophy
  • leemon.mchenry@csun.edu
  • Office Hours: 7:30 - 7:50 a.m. & 11:00 - 12:00 p.m.
  • Monday and Wednesday (and by appointment)
  • ST 534

Instructional Materials

Required Texts:

Readings in the Philosophy of Science, edited by Theodore Schick (Mayfield, 1999)

Introduction to the Philosophy of Science, by Robert Klee (Oxford University Press, 1997


"Popper and Maxwell on Scientific Progress" by L. McHenry


"The Multiverse Conjecture" by L. McHenry


Print Syllabus.Word

Paper Assignment.pdf

Study Questions1.pdf

Study Questions2.pdf


Important Notices

Print Syllabus-- See Instruction Materials

Exam I -- October 16

Exam 2-- December 9



Class Accommodations

Students with Disabilities:

If you have a disability, please identify yourself to me and to the University so that we can reasonably accommodate your learning and the preparation and evaluation of the work that you must do for this course. Please contact the Center on Disabilities, Student Services Building, Room 110, 818.677.2684 (fax: 818.677.4932; email: sdr@csun.edu). For more information, visit the COD’s website at the following: http://www.csun.edu/cod.


Course Information Overview

Philosophy of Science

Course Description:

This course satisfies the “Philosophy and Religion” (C-3) section of the General Education Program.  All courses in this section are designed to promote systematic reflection on questions concerning the structure and meaning of existence and knowledge.  Achieving this goal involves developing an appreciation for and assessments of alternative world views and rival conceptual systems that have played central roles in human culture—influencing art, science, government, literature, and other important aspects of civilization.


Philosophy of Science is the discipline that aims to understand the goals, methodology and structure of scientific knowledge.   In the course of the semester we will explore questions regarding the unification of scientific knowledge, the problem of the boundary between science and pseudo-science, scientific methodology, scientific progress, the relation between theory and observation, the problem of relativism and questions pertaining to science and religion such as creationism or intelligent design vs. evolution.