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critical reasoning

Contact Information

  • Leemon McHenry
  • Philosophy Department
  • Email: leemon.mchenry@csun.edu
  • Phone: 818-677-5806
  • Office Hours: 7:30 - 7:50; 11:15 - 12:15.
  • Tuesday and Thursday
  • Office Location ST 534

Instructional Materials

  • A Concise Introduction to Logic, by Patrick J. Hurley, 11th Edition, (Thomson-Wadsworth)
  • Syllabus100

Important Notices

Print Syllabus (See Instructional Materials)

EXAM I -- February 24

EXAM 2 -- March 26

EXAM 3 - May 7


Students with Disabilities:

If you have a disability, please identify yourself to me and to the University so that we can reasonably accommodate your learning and the preparation and evaluation of the work that you must do for this course. Please contact the Center on Disabilities, Student Services Building, Room 110, 818.677.2684 (fax: 818.677.4932; email: sdr@csun.edu). For more information, visit the COD’s website at the following address: http://www.csun.edu/cod.



Course Information Overview


General Logic

Philosophy 100



Prerequisite: Completion of GE Analytical Reading/Expository Writing;either GE Mathematics or MATH 210. Study of deductive and inductive inferences. Attention to formal and informal fallacies and the relations of logic and language. Emphasis on critical thinking and the attainment of skill in it. Not open to students who have completed PHIL 200.



As a general introduction to logic, this course covers both formal and informal reasoning, deductive and inductive logic, fallacies, and introduces the student to both classical and modern logic.



1.  Exam 1 (20%) -- Chapters 1 and 3

2.  Exam 2 (20%) -- Chapters 4 and 5

3. Exam 3 (20%) -- Chapters 6 and 7

4. Quizzes (30%) –There are approximately 8 quizzes. You are allowed to drop the lowest quiz grade.  The remainder will be averaged for 30% of your final grade.  Quizzes provide continuous feedback on the course material and prepare you for the exams.

5.  Participation/Attendance (10%) --Attendance will be taken at each class session. Participation will be judged on the basis of your willingness to take an active role in the class, e.g., response to exercises and discussion of lecture material.



Lectures and Practical Exercises--Initially lectures will be given to introduce new material or difficult concepts.  The majority of this course will be devoted to detailed examination of solutions to exercises in A Concise Introduction to Logic.  Students will be required to present homework exercises to the class. 



1.  Introduction to Logic and Critical Reasoning

Basic Logical Concepts

Arguments and Explanations

Deduction and Induction

Truth, Validity and Soundness

Strength and Cogency


Readings and Exercises: Chapters 1 and 3    


2. Classical Aristotelian Logic


Categorical Propositions

Categorical Syllogisms  


Readings and Exercises: Chapters 4 and 5


3. Elementary Propositional Logic

Symbols and Translation

Truth Tables for Propositions

Truth Tables for Arguments

Argument Forms and Fallacies

Natural Deduction


Readings and Exercises: Chapters 6 and 7