ME 501A Seminar in Engineering Analysis

Larry Caretto   Fall 2017

Lecture Presentations

August 28 -- Course Introduction

August 30 -- Matrix Multiplication, Determinants and Inverses

September 6 -- Vector Spaces and Introduction to Simultaneous Linear Equations

September 11 -- Solution of Simultaneous Linear Equations

September 13 -- Matrix Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors

September 18 -- Matrix Transformations using Eigenvectors

September 20 -- Introduction to NumericalLinear Algebra

September 25 -- Numerical Methods for Linear Algebra, Part II

September 27 -- Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations

October 2 -- Second Order Differential Equations

October 4 -- Nonhomogeneous Second-Order Equations

October 9 -- Higher-Order Differential Equations

October 11 -- Systems of Ordinary Differential Equations

October 16 -- Power Series Solutions

October 23 -- Frobenius Method and Bessel's Equation

October 25 -- Introduction to Laplace Transforms

October 30 -- Laplace Transform Solutions of Differential Equations

November 1 -- Phase Plane Analysis of Differential Equations

November 6 -- Basics of Numerical Analysis

November 8 -- Numerical Solutions of Ordinary Differential Equations

November 13 -- Implicit, Multistep and Extrapolation Methods

November 20 -- Accuracy, Stability, Introduction to ODE Systems

November 22 -- Stiff ODE Systems; Gear's Method

November 27 -- Boundary-value problems

November 29 -- More boundary-value problems and eigenvalue problems

December 4 -- Finite-element Approaches

December 6 -- Review for final examination