Tim J. Karels - Publications
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Nolan, P., F. S. Dobson, T. J. Karels, K. J. McGraw, P. Jouventin. 2010. Mutual mate choice for colorful traits in king penguins. Ethology. 117: 635-644

Karels. T. J., F. S. Dobson, H. S. Zimbler-DeLorenzo, and A. L. Skibiel. 2009. Testing causal structure in the biogeography of avian extinctions on oceanic islands. Journal of Biogeography. 36: 1613-1622.

Trevino, H. S., A. L. Skibiel, T. J. Karels, and F. S. Dobson. 2008. Why causal analysis of threats to oceanic avifaunas is important: reply to Blackburn et al. Conservation Biology. 22: 495-497

Karels, T. J., F. S. Dobson, H. S. Trevino, and A.L. Skibiel. 2008.The biogeography of avian extinctions on oceanic islands. Journal of Biogeography. 36:1106-1111.

Kyle, C. J., T. J. Karels, C. S. Davis, S. Mebs, B. Clark, C. Strobeck, D. S. Hik. Social structure and facultative mating systems of hoary marmots (Marmota caligata). Molecular Ecology. 16: 1245-1255. [pdf]

Trevino, H. S., A. L. Skibiel, T. J. Karels, F. S. Dobson. 2007. Threats to avifauna on oceanic islands. Conservation Biology. 21: 125-132. [pdf]

Gillis E. A., D. S. Hik, R. Boonstra R., T. J. Karels, and C. J. Krebs. 2005. Being high is better: effects of elevation and habitat on arctic ground squirrel demography. Oikos. 108:231-240. [pdf]

Karels, T. J, L. Koppel., and D. S. Hik. 2004. Fecal pellet counts as a technique for monitoring an alpine dwelling social rodent, the hoary marmot (Marmota caligata). Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research. 36:490-494. [pdf]

Kyle, C.J., T. J. Karels, B. Clark, C. Strobeck, D.S. Hik, and C.S. Davis. 2004. Isolation and characterization of microsatellite markers in hoary marmots (Marmota caligata). Molecular Ecology Notes. 4: 749-751. [pdf]

Karels, T. J., A. B. Bryant, and D. S. Hik. 2004. Comparison of discriminant function and classification tree analyses for age classification of marmots. Oikos. 105:575-587. [pdf]

Karels, T. J. 2004. Squirrels and Relatives II: Ground Squirrels. In Grzimek's Animal Life Encyclopedia: Mammals. 2nd Edition. Volume 16. Gale, Detroit.

Karels, T. J. and R. Boonstra. 2003. Reducing solar heat gain during winter: the role of white bark in northern deciduous trees. Arctic. 58:168-174. [pdf] [cover]

Karels, T. J., J. Brashares, and A. Bryant. 2003. Borrowing from burrowers: conservation lessons from alpine dwelling marmots. In Mountain Science Highlights. The State of Ecological and Earth Sciences in Mountain Areas. Proceedings of the Conferences on Ecological and Earth Sciences in Mountain Areas. September 6-10, 2002, Banff, Alberta. Available online at http://www.forestry.ubc.ca/alpine/highlights

Boonstra, R., C. J. McColl, and T. Karels. 2001. Reproduction at all costs: how breeding compromises the stress response and survival in male arctic ground squirrels. Ecology. 82:1930-1946. [pdf]

Boonstra, R., S. Boutin, A. Byrom, T. Karels, A. H. Hubbs, K. Stuart-Smith, and M. Blower. 2001. The role of red squirrels and arctic ground squirrels. Chapter 9. In C. J. Krebs, S. Boutin, and R. Boonstra, editors. Ecosystem Dynamics of the Boreal Forest: The Kluane Project. Oxford University Press. ISBN: 0-19-513393-5

Karels, T. J. and R. Boonstra. 2000. Concurrent density dependence and independence in arctic ground squirrels. Nature. 408: 460-463. [pdf]

Byrom, A. E., T. Karels, C. J. Krebs, and R. Boonstra. 2000. Experimental manipulation of predation and food for arctic ground squirrels in the boreal forest. Canadian Journal of Zoology. 78:1309-1319. [pdf]

Karels, T. J., A. Byrom, R. Boonstra, and C. J. Krebs. 2000. The interactive effects of food and predators on reproduction and overwinter survival of arctic ground squirrels. Journal of Animal Ecology. 69:235-247. [pdf] [cover]

Hubbs, A., T. Karels, and R. Boonstra. 2000. Indices of population size for burrowing mammals. Journal of Wildlife Management. 64:296-301.

Karels, T. J. and R. Boonstra. 1999. The impact of predation on burrow use by arctic ground squirrels in the boreal forest. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B. 266:2117-2123. [pdf]

Ben-David, M., C. J. McColl, R. Boonstra, and T. J. Karels. 1999. 15N signatures do not reflect body condition in Arctic ground squirrels. Canadian Journal of Zoology. 77:1373-1378. [pdf]

Hubbs, A., Karels, T., and Byrom, A. 1996. Tree-climbing as a possible antipredator behaviour in Arctic ground squirrels, Spermophilus parryii. Canadian Field Naturalist. 110:533-534. [pdf]

Boutin, S., C. J. Krebs, R. Boonstra, M. R. T. Dale, S. J. Hannon, K. Martin, A. R. E. Sinclair, J. N. M. Smith, R. Turkington, M. Blower, A. Byrom, F. I. Doyle, C. Doyle, D. Hik, L. Hofer, A. Hubbs, T. Karels, D. L. Murray, V. Nams, M. O'Donoghue, C. Rohner, and S. Schweiger. 1995. Population changes of the vertebrate community during a snowshoe hare cycle in Canada's boreal forest. Oikos. 74:69-80. [pdf]

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