In this section we will compute the cartesian coordinates of the satellite given as an example in a previous section. The two-line element was given by:
1 20361U 89097A 01154.90156813 -.0000008400000-0 00000-0 0 7462 2 20361 56.2556 342.0793 0127851 179.5306 322.3780 2.00562298 74668
We already calculated km. Furthermore, we have . From this we get km. The next step is to compute the ecc3entric anomaly from Kepler's equation. The mean anomaly was given by . The numerical solution of Kepler's equation requires that we measure all angles in radians (You cannot do Calculus type operations with degrees ever!!). Transforming it into radians gives us . We next perform the fixed point iteration with . This gives us , , , and . Since both are approximations to the eccentric anomaly with 5 valid digits. We will use . Using this we can directly compute the coordinates of the satellite.