CLAS 102G: Basic Information  

CLAS 102G Prof. John P. Adams
Elementary Classical Greek, II
(Spring, TBA)
Reading List
435 Sierra Tower

The Professor can also be reached by e-mail at:

The Professor also has a WWW Web Page.

TEXT: Frederick WILLIAMS, Elementary Classical Greek (Carbondale/Evansville: Southern Illinois
University Press 1983).



  • (1) ATTENDANCE: The attendance policy of the Department of Modern & Classical Languages is that all classes must be attended. However, it is understood that this is sometimes impossible, and so the student is allowed three (-3-) "unexcused absences". Beyond three unexcused absences, the Instructor is entitled (but not required) to lower the student’s grade by as much as one full grade (e.g. from B- to C-). Students should keep close watch on their own attendance. That is not the Instructor’s job. There will be a sign-up sheet at each class which the student is responsible for signing; the sheet must be signed in the classroom during the class period. "Excused absences" do not count, if the excuse is presented in writing, with documentation, and it is found by the Instructor to be an acceptable excuse (illness, appearance in court, job interview (a limited number of times), kidnapping [if reported to the FBI] are examples of ‘excused absences’) Unacceptable excuses include: sleeping-in, meeting relatives at the airport, missed a ride. Car trouble is negotiable. There is no credit given for attendance.

  • (2) CLASS PARTICIPATION: The student should be prepared to volunteer, or accept being volunteered by the Instructor in any class at any time. Learning a language is not a cram situation; it requires continuous attention. Up to 10% of the final course grade. This may include drills through computer programs, which are available in the Language Lab (Jerome Richfield 316).

  • (3) QUIZZES: There will be regular quizzes, announced the class before the quiz. The quizzes will have to be at the end of the class hour. So make arrangements about lateness with your instructors if you have a class at the nest hour. The number of quizzes will depend upon the speed of your progress in Greek. All together, the quizzes will be worth approximately 40% of the final course grade (thus, the more quizzes, the less any one quiz damages your grade).

  • (4) THE MIDTERM (an academic tradition): Comprehensive. 50 minutes. In the 8th week of the class (probably the Friday of that week). Approximately 20% of the final course grade.

  • (5) THE FINAL. Comprehensive. On the day specified in the "Course Schedule". Non-negotiable, unless you have 3 exams on the same day. Exams cannot be given early, by university regulations. So plan your Christmas holiday trips accordingly. The FINAL will be worth about 25-30% of the final course grade. 1 1/2 hours.

GOALS OF THE COURSE: (first year, second semester)

  • -Acquire additional knowledge of Greek Morphology, including the passive voice and the subjunctive mood, the fourth and fifth declensions, comparison of adjectives and adverbs. adverbs as appropriate.

  • -Acquire additional working knowledge of Greek Vocabulary, some 500-700 more words in most common use.

  • Acquire additional skills in dealing with sentences involving purpose, causation, conditionals, jussives, indirect discourse, indirect questions, etc.

  • -Acquire more advanced skills in translating compound and complex Greek sentences and paragraphs into English; this will aid in refining each student’s knowledge of English grammar and syntax as well.

  • -Acquire additional knowledge, through word study, concept analysis, and reading of paragraphs from ancient Greek authors, of Greek institutions and ways of thought (the cross-cultural component).

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John Paul Adams, CSUN

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