Formal Assessment (cont’d)
Different types of formal assessment: survey vs. diagnostic tests.
Formal assessment measures of reading tend to over-estimate reading ability and skills.
Formal assessment as part of a comprehensive assessment of reading.
Formal assessment procedures are standardized and commercially prepared.
Usually normed on performance of a large number of students in order to compare the performance of target students to the normative sample.
Standardized in terms of administration, scripted directions, set materials, allows for no deviation from set procedures/materials.
Examples in reading include survey tests (KTEA, WRAT, PIAT, WJAT) and diagnostic tests: (WRMT, DRS) Gates-McKillop-Horowitz Diagnostic Scales)
Formal measures are used for general accountability - at the school district, state and national levels; used to evaluate program effectiveness, to judge curriculum, services provided. Probably not so effective in monitoring student progress particularly individual students, young and struggling readers.
Examine the adequacy of the norms provided (adequate sample, representative of population tested)
Validity : content validity (WRAT0 use of test for early identification of reading problems - predictive validity; concurrent validity)
Reliability - test retest; different examiners,