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fall 2012 Prof L Overman's English 115

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Class Monday Wednesday
Wk 11 11/5 11/7
Progression Three & Final Project Groups will need to schedule meetings

Due outside of and prior to class:

  1. Prog 3 Ex 1 Argument and Analysis

Due In Class

  1. Rhetorical analysis presentation #11 Briones & Kim
  2. Grammar Pres #11 unnecessary shift in verb tense by Galvez & Mendez-Herrerra


Due outside of and prior to class:

  1. Moodle Response #8

Due In Class

  1. Rhetorical Analysis Presentation #12 Rose & Avery Rodriguez
  2. Grammar Pres #12 on vague pronoun reference by Steadman & Montalban

Review & download handouts/links from Projects link above:

  1. "Creating the Annotated Bibliography"
  2. Review link "Citing your Sources: Annotated Bibliography"
  3. Review link "Sample Annotated Bibliography"


  • Convergences 335-359
Wk 12 11/12 Honor the memory of our Veterans 11/14 Meet in the library

Progression Three & Library Research



Due outside of and prior to class:

  1. Prog 3 Ex 2 The Dialogue

Due In Class: Meet in library lab C (enter reference room and head west)

Review this helpful link from Projects link above:

  1. Writing Dialogue once at this link scroll down to "I have to write a dialogue..."
Wk 13 11/19 online and field work day 11/21 online only

Fieldwork & Ethhnography for Progressio Three

Upload Progression Three Rough Draft




Due outside of and prior to class:

  1. In Moodle post due today 1155pm: Prog 3 Ex 3 Argumentative Proposal-must include annotated bibliography.
    And all students must post helpful constructive questions/comments in reply to TWO other classmates.
    This task counts as being present in class otherwise will be counted absent.
  2. Use class time WISELY to do your field work and take notes for ethnography to include in Progression Three AND you must provide proof of location visit along with typed up ethnography to bring to class on 11/26 (workshop 5 members and all other students last names A-L and 11/28 (workshop 6 mmbers and all other students last names M-Z).


Due outside of class:

  1. Due 11/21 1155pm entire class post Progression Three Rough drafts-make sure you post correctly in one of the Three forums provided. Must include relevant aspects of your ethnography detailing your field work worked into your rough draft.
  2. This task counts as being present in class otherwise will be counted absent.



Wk 14 11/26 11/28




Due outside of and prior to class:

  1. Due Sun 11/25 1155PM Post in Workshop 5 Forum response to each student's below rough draft.
    Students work to be dicussed
    Avery Rodriguez/Corona
    Rasul/Avery Rodriguez
  2. Review Writing Response Protocols handout in Projects link above.

Due in class:

  1. Whole-class workshop 5
  2. Typed & Stapled: Proof of field work with ethnography bring to class all workshop members today and all other students' last names A-L


Due outside of and prior to class:

  1. Due Mon 11/26 1155PM Post in Workshop 6 Forum response to each student's below rough draft.
    Students work to be dicussed
  2. Review Writing Response Protocols handout in Projects link above.

Due in class:

  1. Whole-class workshop 6
  2. Typed & Stapled: Proof of field work with ethnography bring to class all workshop members today and all other students' last names M-Z
Wk 15 12/3 12/5

Progression Three Revised:upload to your Blogs

& Final Project Presentations



Due outside of and prior to class:

  • Upload Progression Three teacher draft on blog prior to class must follow MLA format and to include multi media

Due in class:

  1. Final Project Presentations
    2.Avery Rodriguez/Khan/Montalban/Ruiz/Babbes
    3. Knight/Steadman/Rasul/Bush
  2. Post in moodle: Groups must group participation grade for each group member based on rubric.
  3. Post in moodle: Grade for each final project presentation based on Presention Rubric.
  4. Portfolio Prep/Reflective Introduction Letter

Review & download handouts from Projects link above:

  1. Group Participation Rubric

Due outside of and prior to class:

  • Moodle Response 10: NOTE due 1155pm today post draft of informal reflective essay each student must post a reply on TWO other student essays.

Due in Class:

  1. Final Project Presentations
    5. Miwa/Huezo/Jose Rodriguez/Mendez
    6. Kim/Briones/Corona/Rose
  2. Post in moodle:Groups must post in Moodle group participation grade for each group member based on rubric.
  3. Post in moodle:Grade for each final project presentation based on Presention Rubric.
  4. Portfolio Prep/Reflective Introduction Letter

Review & download handouts from Projects link above:

  1. Group Participation Rubric


  • Wings 2-7
Wk 16 12/10 online only  

Final Project Presentations

Final Portfolio Due

Due outside of class 12/10 1155PM today:

  1. E Portfolios uploaded to Blogs
  2. Wings submissions


Finals Week 12/17 no class