Prof L Overman's 097 Scavenger Hunt

Course Syllabus Page is

Our course homepage is a major source of information and is the home base for the class.  Access it for our weekly calendar of readings and class activities, assignments, listserve-email, discussion forum, access to campus resources, and as a source of numerous handouts.

Read through all the menu items on the Webpage and determine which to access in order to answer the following questions.  You should have your word processor open in order to answer the questions, this way you can read/review/copy/paste and respond.  Then save and printout your answers to hand in.  You should have your browser open from which to view your course homepage.  Minimize and maximize Word and your browser as necessary.

  1. What is my attendance policy?
  2. What is my tardy policy?
  3. Under classroom policy: What is a student's responsibility in my class as you understand it?
  4. What is my policy about unauthorized electrical devices being used in class?
  5. What is one of the student learning outcomes for this class that applies to you?
  6. What is your understanding of my No Whaaaa Clause?
  7. What essay assessment terms apply to evaluation of a student paper receiving a Pass/Credit in this class?
  8. What does my portfolio require at the end of the semester?
  9. What if I miss turning in one of the drafts for any of my major essays...Can I still pass the course?
  10. What if I do not turn in one of my major essays...Can I still pass the course?
  11. What if I do not complete all of my course classwork, may I still turn in a portfolio?
  12. If my portfolio does not pass can I still pass the course?
  13. What are my office hours?  Where is my office?  What is my office phone number?
  14. What is your understanding of my email policy?
  15. What are the reading assignments for week two?  
  16. What is the CSUN Learning Resource Center (LRC), where is it located and why should 097/098/155 students go to Computer Writing Lab
  17. What are the Oviatt Library’s  regular hours
  18. What is the "class listserve" email address? And can you send emails to it from an off campus email address?
  19. LAST BUT NOT LEAST: Print out a copy of the "Signature and Permission Page."  After you have fully read the entire course homepage and all its relevant links SIGN this page and bring it to hand in at our next class meeting
  20. If you have questions or confusion about the syllabus Print out a copy of that part of the syllabus to discuss at our next class.