
(BA, BCom, MSc, PhD)

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Nguyen D.-D. & Kira D. (2018). Forecasing a Mix of Temporal and Non-Temporal Economic Variables with a Mixture-of-Experts Neural Network International Journal of Economics and Finance, Vol.10, No.8.

Nguyen D.-D. (2017). Designing Optimal Knowledge Base for Neural Expert Systems. International Business Research, Vol.10, No.6.

Nguyen D,-D, Zhang Y., and Kira D.S. (2017). Predicting the Reuse Intention of College Students toward Distance Learning. In Proceedings of  MWDSI'2017  Mid-west Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting (Michigan, April 2017).

Nguyen D.-D. (2017). Learning and Predicting Individual Preferences in Multicriteria Decision Making with Neural Netwoks vs. Utility Functions. Journal of Business & Economics Research, Vol.15, No.1.

Nguyen D.-D. (2014). Using Social Choice Function vs. Social Welfare Function to Aggregate Individual Preferences in Group Decision Support Systems. International Journal of Management & Information Systems, Vol.18, No.3.

Nguyen D.-D. and Zhang Y. (2011). Attitudes of College Students toward Learning Process and Outcome of Online Instruction and Distance Learning across Learning Styles. Journal of College Teaching & Learning, Vol.8, No.12.

Nguyen D.-D and Zhang Y. (2011). An Empirical Study of Student Attitudes toward Acceptance of Online Instruction and Distance Learning. Contemporary Issues in Education Research, Vol.4, No.11.

Nguyen D.-D. (2011).  Exploring Learning Behaviors of Online Students: Attitudes toward Online Instruction and Distance Learning Across Learning Styles. In Proceedings of  DSI'11  Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting (Boston, November 2011).

Nguyen D.-D. and Zhang Y. (2009).  Student Perception and Acceptance of Online Instruction and Distance Learning. In Proceedings of  DSI'09  Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting (New Orleans, November 2009).

Nguyen D.-D. and Zhang Y. (2007).  What Make Students Taking Online Courses: Evaluation of Determinants of a Structural Model. In Proceedings of  DSI'07  Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting (Phoenix, November 2007).

Nguyen D.-D. (2005). Some Empirical Evidences on the Consensus of Social Welfare vs. Social Choice Functions in Group Decision Support Systems . In Proceedings of  DSI'05  Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting (San Francisco, November 2005).

Wang C.L, Ye R.L, Zhang Y., and Nguyen D.-D (2005) Subscription to Fee-based Online Services: What Makes Consumers Pay for Online Content? Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, V.6, No.4.

Nguyen D.-D. and Kira D.S. (2005).  Building Knowledge Repositories with Neural Networks and Orthogonal Designed Bases of Expert Holistic Judgments. Journal of Information Science and Technology, V.2, No.2.

Nguyen D.-D. and Zhang Y. (2004).  Summative Evaluation of Determinant Factors for Effective Online Instruction: An Empirical Study. In Proceedings of  DSI'04  Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting (Boston, November 2004).

Ye R. , Zhang Y. ,  Nguyen D.-D. and Chiu J.  (2004). Fee-based Online Services: Exploring Consumers' Willingness to Pay. Journal of International Technology and Information Management, V.13, No.2.  

Zhang Y. and Nguyen D.-D. (2003). What Makes Consumers Willing To Pay For Online Services? Discovering Consumer Opinions And Determinant Factors On Charged Online Services, Journal of Internet Commerce, V.2, No.4.

Nguyen D.-D. and Kira D.S. (2003).  Assessment of Preference in Multi-criteria Decision Making with Neural Networks Vs. Utility Functions: An Empirical Investigation .  In Proceedings of  DSI'03  Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting (Washington DC , November 2003).

Zhang Y., Ye R.,  Nguyen D.-D., and Chiu J. (2003) Are Consumer Ready for Fee-based Online Services? In Proceedings of AMCIS 2003- Americas Conference on Information Systems (Tampa, August 2003)

Nguyen D.-D. (2003). Aggregation on Individual Preferences in GDSS: An Empirical Study on the Consensus of Group Decisions Using Social Welfare vs. Social Choice Functions.. In Proceedings of World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (Orlando, July 2003).

Nguyen D.-D. (2003). Business-to-Business Electronic Commerce Business Models. In H. Bidgoli (ed.) The Internet Encyclopedia (3 volume set), Volume 1. New York: John Wiley.

Nguyen D.-D. (2002). On the Performance of an Intelligent Forecasting System using Modular Neural Networks in Building and Forecasting an Economic Model.  In Proceedings of  DSI'02 Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting (San Diego, November 2002).

Zhang Y. and Nguyen D.-D. (2002). An Exploratory Study on Consumers' Opinions on Charged Online Services and Related Determinant Factors.  In Proceedings of  DSI'02 Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting (San Diego, November 2002).

Nguyen D.-D. (2001). Forecasting Multiple Temporal and Non-Temporal Variables with Mixture of Neural Networks.  In Proceedings of  DSI'01 Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting (San Francisco, November 2001).

Nguyen D.-D. and Kira D.S. (2001).  Electronic Point of Sale (EPOS).  In Malcolm Warner (ed.) The International Encyclopedia of Business and Management, 2nd Ed., (8 volume set), Volume 2. London: Thomson Learning

Nguyen D.-D. and Kira D.S. (2001).  Value Added Systems.  In Malcolm Warner (ed.) The International Encyclopedia of Business and Management, 2nd Ed., (8 volume set), Volume 7. London: Thomson Learning

Nguyen D.-D. and Kira D.S. (2001).  Business Strategies in Credit Rating and the Control of Misclassification Costs in Neural Network Predictions.  In Proceedings of AMCIS 2001- Americas Conference on Information Systems (Boston, August 2001).

Nguyen D.-D. and Kira D.S. (2001). Neural Forecasting Multivariate Time Series: A Comparative Study. In Proceedings of World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (Orlando, July 2001).

Nguyen D.-D. and Kira D.S. (2000).  Designing Optimal Knowledge Base for Integrated Neural Expert Systems.  In Proceedings of AMCIS 2000- Americas Conference on Information Systems (Long Beach, August 2000).

Kira D.S. and Nguyen D.-D. (2000). Nonparametric Stepwise Regression with Neural Genetic Networks. In Proceedings of World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (Orlando, July 2000).

Nguyen D.-D., Gray L.G., and Kira D.S. (2000). Trust and Quality Assurance in Business-to-Consumer Electronic Commerce: Enhancing Consumers Acceptance and Participation. In Proceedings of PACIS 2000 - Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (Hong Kong, June 2000)

Nguyen D.-D. and Kira D.S. (2000). Summative and Formative Evaluations of Internet-based Teaching.  In L. Lau (ed.) Distance Learning Technologies: Issues, Trends and Opportunities, Hershey, PA: Idea Group Publishing.

Kira D.S. and Nguyen D.-D. (2000). Teleconferencing.  In Milan Zeleny (ed.) IEBM Handbook of Information Technology in Business, London: Thomson Learning.

Nguyen D.-D. and Kira D.S. (1999). Model Building and Variable Selection for Small Business Loans Evaluation with Neural Genetic Networks Vs. Stepwise Regression.  In Proceedings of  DSI'99 Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting (New Orleans, November1999).

Nguyen D.-D. and Kira D.S. (1999).  Learning and Predicting Group Preference: Modeling Group Utility Function with Artificial Neural Networks.  In Proceedings of AMCIS 1999 - Americas Conference on Information Systems (Milwaukee, August 1999).

Nguyen D.-D. and Kira D.S. (1999).   Summative and Formative Evaluations of Teaching with Internet:  Some Comments on System Development Issues.   In Proceedings of  WDSI'99 Western Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting (Puerto Vallarta, April 1999).

Nguyen D.-D. (1998).  Forecasting Macroeconomic Models with Artificial Neural Networks.  In Proceedings of AIS 1998 - Americas Conference on Information Systems (Baltimore, August 1998).

Nguyen D.-D. and Kira D.S. (1998). On Learning and Predicting Human Preference with Artificial Neural Networks: Some Preliminary Results. In Proceedings of AIS 1998 -  Americas Conference on Information Systems (Baltimore, August 1998).

Kira D.S., Nebebe F. and Nguyen D.-D. (1998).  On the Control of Misclassification Costs in Artificial Neural Network Prediction:  The Case of Small Business Loan Evaluation. In Proceedings of World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (Orlando, July 1998).

Nguyen D.-D. and Kira D.S. (1998).  Approximation of Group Preference with Artificial Neural Networks: An Application in Group Decision Making.  In Proceedings of the Second Asia Pacific Decision Sciences Institute Conference (Taipei, June 1998).

Nguyen D.-D. and Ramirez A. (1998).  The Emerging Position of Artificial Neural Networks As A Prime Intelligent Technology for Strategic Decision Support Systems. In Proceedings of ASAC'98 Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Annual Conference (Sakastoon, May 1998).

Nguyen D.-D. (1998).  On the Integration of Artificial Neural Networks and Expert Systems: An Application in Project Evaluation and Economic Appraisal. In Proceedings of the Third INFORMS / CIST Conference (Montreal, April 1998).

Nguyen D.-D. and Kira D.S. (1998).  On A Unified Framework for Building Neural Expert Systems.  In Proceedings of  WDSI'98 Western Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting (Reno, April 1998).

Nguyen D.-D. and Kira D.S. (1997).  On Using Artificial Neural Networks and Vector Autoregressive Method in Multiple Time Series Forecasting.  In Proceedings of  DSI'97 Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting (San Diego, November 1997).

Kira D.S., Doreen D. and Nguyen D.-D. (1997).  A Qualitative Evaluation of Small Business Loans: Using Artificial Neural Networks and Traditional Statistical Methods in Model Building and Prediction. In Proceedings of World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (Caracas, July 1997).

Kira D.S., Doreen D. and Nguyen D.-D (1997).  An Application of Artificial Neural Networks and Statistical Methods in Qualitative Evaluation of Small Business Loans. In Proceedings of  VIII International Symposium on Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis (Naples, June 1997).

Kira D.S. and Nguyen D.-D. (1997).  On Using Utility Theory and Neural Network Techniques to Assess Preference in Multi-Criteria Decision Making: An Empirical Investigation. In Proceedings of NEDSI'97 Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting (Annapolis, April 1997). Nominated for CIMS/MIS Best Paper Award.

Nguyen, D.-D. and Etezadi-Amoli J. (1996). On the Compatibility of Decision Based on Multi-Attribute Utility Theory and Analytic Hierarchy Process. In Proceedings of ASAC'96 Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Annual Conference (Montreal, May 1996).

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