CSUN Algebra, Number Theory, and Discrete Mathematics Seminar

Lattice spanners of low degree

Adrian Dumitrescu
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Wednesday    24 February 2016    2:30 pm–3:30 pm
Sierra Hall 268

Let δ0(P,k) denote the degree k dilation of a point set P in the domain of plane geometric spanners. If Λ is the infinite square lattice, it is shown that 1 + 2 δ0(Λ, 3) (22 + 3)512 = 2.6065 and δ0(Λ, 4) = 2. If Λ is the infinite hexagonal lattice, it is shown that δ0(Λ, 3) = 1 + 3 and δ0(Λ, 4) = 2.

This is joint work with Anirban Ghosh (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee).