Technology Training Guides

Web Publishing at CSUN


Web Publishing to a Group Web Folder with Netscape 4

The instructions in this document pertain to group web folders — special accounts with web privileges but no shell access (i.e., you cannot log directly into a web folder). Access is through the campus account of an authorized user. If your department or organization publishes to a campus account rather than a group web folder, see the "How to Publish Your Web Page" section of the Beginner's Guide to Netscape Composer for Windows Users. If your department maintains its own web server, please contact the server administrator for publishing instructions.

How to Find Out the Path to Your Home Directory

You will need this information in order to configure Netscape Composer for publishing. 

  1. At the command prompt in your personal campus account, type the following commands (replacing webfolder with the name of the group's webfolder): 

    cd ~webfolder/public_html

    Note: If your access is to a subfolder of public_html (rather than the main folder), include the subfolder name:

    cd ~webfolder/public_html/subfolder

  1. Write down the information that is printed on the screen. It will look like this: 


    • usersx is the disk drive where your files are stored (users1, users2, etc.) 
    • foldername is the name of your web folder (e.g., abcdefg) 

Note: If your access is to a subfolder of public_html (rather than the main folder), the subfolder name will also be included.

  1. Log out and disconnect.

Designating a Default Publishing Location

If you set a default publishing location in Composer, you won't have to type the FTP location every time you publish (i.e., transfer) a Web page document.

To set the default, choose (click):

Edit | Preferences | Composer | Publishing

Then, in the "Default publishing location" section of the Preferences dialog box, enter the FTP site address as follows:


replacing the "/home/usersx/webfolders/foldername/public_html" portion of the address with the path information for your account.

Note: If your access is to a subfolder of public_html (rather than the main folder), the FTP site address will include the subfolder name:


Figure 1 (below) shows the Composer Publishing Preferences dialog box with a sample FTP site address entered.

FIGURE 1. Composer Publishing Preferences Dialog BoxDialog box showing default publishing location


How to Transfer (Upload) Your Web Page Files

Once you've configured your account and set the default location in Netscape Composer Publishing preferences, this is all you have to do from then on to publish a Web page.


  1. If the Web page file you want to publish isn't already open, open it in Netscape Composer.
  2. Click the Publish icon on the Composition Toolbar to display the "Publish" dialog box (as shown in Figure 2, below). There should already be information entered in three of the text boxes:
    • Page Title: The title you entered when you saved your document the first time.
    • HTML Filename: The name of the file to be transferred.
    • HTTP or FTP Location to publish to: The default publishing location (which includes the name of the web folder to which you're publishing — e.g., abcdefg).
  3. In box labeled "User name:" enter your personal account number (e.g., xyz12345  or hcxyz123). 
  4. In the box labeled "Password:" enter the password for your personal account. The password will be displayed as a series of asterisks. (You can check the box for "Save password" so that you don't have to type it in each time you publish a page; however, for security reasons, this is not recommended.) 
  5. In the "Other Files to Include" section, the "Files associated with this page" radio button will be selected automatically if the page contains linked image files — and those files will be published at the same time as the HTML file.
  6. If you have multiple files to publish, you can also click the radio button "All files in page's folder" to publish them all at once.
  7. Click OK to transfer the file. A message box will tell you if the transfer was successful (and you will have to click the OK button to clear the box from the screen). 
FIGURE 2. Publish Dialog Box
Dialog box


Your Web Page Location (or URL — Uniform Resource Locator)

After you've finished the publishing procedure, you'll probably want to look at your Web site — and tell others where to find it.

If your main Web page file is called index.html your Web page address is:


where webfolder is the group's web folder. Make sure to include the tilde (~) character.  

The Web page address for any page other than index.html is of the format:


where webfolder is the group's web folder and filename is the name of the Web page file (homepage.html, for example). Again, make sure to include the tilde (~) character.

Custom Web Addresses

If a custom web address (URL) has been assigned for your department, organization, or other campus group, replace the "~webfolder" portion of the URL with the assigned alias.

If an alias exists for the group and the main web page file is called index.html, the web page address is:


where GroupAlias is a unique name assigned to your group.

The web page address for any page other than index.html is of the format:


where filename is the name of your web page file (homepage.html, for example).

To request a custom web address, contact the University Help Desk at campus extension 1400.

A Note About Multiple URLs: If more than one alias has been assigned for your group, any one of those may be used. 

Example: Academic departments might have four custom addresses as exemplified by those for the Department of Communication Studies shown below. All four URLs are correct and all go to the same site.

  • Full department name:
  • http://www.csun.edu/CommunicationStudies
  • Lowercase department name:
  • http://www.csun.edu/communicationstudies
  • Catalog abbreviation:
  • http://www.csun.edu/COMS
  • Lowercase abbreviation:
  • http://www.csun.edu/coms



If have questions about these procedures, please contact the University Help Desk at (818) 677-1400 or via email to helpdesk@csun.edu.





August 14, 2003

Prepared by Gail Said Johnson, User Support Services


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