Cisco IPPhone Quality Reporting Tool


If you are having echo problems with your IP phone please follow these steps so that we can monitor and get the problems resolved for you.  Below you will see helpful screen shots and instructions on how to let us know you are having problems via your IP phone.  Please follow these steps:


(1)  If During a phone call you are hearing any types of problems follow this step:


a = During the call hit the more softkey (as shown in red).  This will change the softkeys and now you will see the QRT button


b = Hit the QRT button (as shown in red).  Once it is pressed the thank you screen pops up and you are finished.  You can hit the exit button to put your screen back to normal.


If you are experiencing other problems please refer to the following web site:




(2)  After the phone call follow these steps:

                                               i.     Press the QRT button to give you a list of possible problems




a = Once you press the QRT button (as shown in red) it will list 3 categories




                                             ii.     Select the Problem you are having:

1.    Problems with Last Call

You will then see reason codes for the problem of the last call you were just on.  There are 10 reason codes.  The picture above shows all 10 of them broken up into two screen shots.  In order to get past the first 5 on the screen is to use the toggle pad to scroll down.  As shown in the transition above marked by the letter a.


The reason codes are:

(1)  I heard echo

(2)  The other end heard echo

(3)  Choppy sound

(4)  Robotic Sound

(5)  Long Delays

(6)  Low Volume on my end

(7)  Low Volume on other end

(8)  Could not hear other end

(9)  Other end can not hear me

(10)       Call Dropped


2.    Phone recently rebooted

a.    After pressing this button you will get a thank you screen for submitting that this happened.






3.    Can't make Calls


You will then see reason codes for why you can't make a call.  There are 5 reason codes.  The picture above shows all 5 of them broken up into two screen shots with some numbers overlapping.  In order to get past the first 4 on the screen is to use the toggle pad to scroll down.  As shown in the transition above marked by the letter a.


The reason codes are:

(1)  I get busy tone

(2)  I get fast busy

(3)  I get dial tone after dialing digits

(4)  I hear silence after dialing

(5)  I donÕt get dialtone



Extra information:


You can also use the QRT during a conference call (see below how to use this button during a conference call):



a = During the call hit the more softkey (as shown in red).  This will change the softkeys and now you will see the QRT button


b = Hit the QRT button (as shown in red).  Once it is pressed the thank you screen pops up and you are finished.  You can hit the exit button to put your screen back to normal.